Chapter 5 TBE

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Eren and I walk along the halls of the HQ, making our way towards Levi's office to see if he knew where the hell Erwin is. As we walk, I suddenly hear two voices. "Sasha shut up!" one of them almost hisses, the tone of the obviously male voice sounding rather annoyed. "Eren, did you hear that?" I whisper, frowning slightly. "Hear what?" "The whispering..." I stop walking, turning around and sighing when I see who has been following us. Standing right there is Sasha and Connie, looking like two soldiers cornered by abnormal titans. "Sasha, Connie what the hell are you doing?" Eren asks, probably as confused as me. "Umm... Nothing?" I slowly walk towards her, snapping my knuckles. She starts shaking. "Ok fine! Squad leader Hanji ordered us to follow you!" Omg, she is insane. I look at Eren, then towards Sasha. "Go back to Hanji and tell her exactly this: Leave me, my little titan and cleaning fairy alone, or I will come for you" Sasha nodded, stood up, grabbed Connie and started running away. "I hope I didn't scare her too much" I chuckled.

When me and Eren arrived at Levis office Eren suddenly stops. His hands are being balled up into fists. I cling onto his arm and hug it. "Think you can make it without punching him?" "As long as he doesn't try anything with you" I let go of Eren and knock on the door. We waited, but there was no sound coming from the room. I look towards Eren and he knocked again, this time, a bit harder. Nothing. "Captain? Are you in there?" Eren said while knocking again. Still nothing. What's going on? I try to open the door, but it's locked. "Levi, if you don't open, I will kick this door down and will not clean up the mess afterwards" I stated, getting ready to make a hard kick. Still no answer. I look at Eren and he nods. "I warned you little cleaning fairy" I step back and just as I kicked the door, I hear someone rushing towards the door. Oh well, they had their chance.


"What the hell?" We hear Levi almost yell. In the room are Levi, Erwin, Hanji and Mike. "Told you I would do it" I said while looking towards the door. "That's gonna be a pain in the ass to clean up" I bluntly stated. "Yes, a pain that you will clean up" Levi said while glaring my way. If looks could kill I would be dead 50 times over. "Hey, I did tell you that I wouldn't clean up the mess. So if you want it clean you'll have to do it yourself" I said. They all look at me. Then Eren speaks up. "We could come back later..." "Oh no, my little titan, we are staying here" I look at him with a determined face.  "Oh btw Hanji" "Yes?" "Please don't stalk me and Eren, it's annoying" Hanjis face turned red. "And also, don't have Potato and Connie do it, Potato can't shut up" Eren had spoken up. Everybody in the room looked at us as if we were crazy. "First of all, why are you here? Second of all, what do you mean stalking you?" Erwin asked. Isn't it obvious? "We want the letter" Eren stated, not caring that Mike and Hanji was in the room. Levi looked at us with a face that said: You really kicked down my door for that? "Come on, Levi wants to read it too. Right?" I looked over at Levi, then at Erwin. "I can't say that I don't want to but-""No" Erwin cut Levi off. It's not like I expected him to just hand it to us. "Why not" Eren and I ask" Erwin looks over at Hanji and Mike, then the door. "Let's go somewhere private, this place isn't an option anymore" He walked out of the room and we followed. I noticed that Levi wasn't following us, so I run back into the room and grab him, then start going back to Erwin. I had seriously picked him up and start to carry him over my shoulder. When we joined Eren and Erwin again, I let him down. "Tch, stupid brat" he mumbled. "What? It was simply payback for all the time that you carried me. Plus Eren is up next" I said smirking at both of them. Eren started blushing and Levi made his 'Tch' sound.

"Is this private?!" I yell at Erwin. We were in my room. "Do you know how many people go in here on a daily basis?! I have friends you know!" I yelled at Erwin. He simply looked at me. Great, now I'm pissed. I glare back at him and he chuckled. I clenched my fist and was ready to punch him in the face. But Eren simply padded my back and I got 'less pissed'. "Erwin, cut the bullshit, give us the letter" I say. He looked at me, and then pulled it out of his pocket. "Fine, read it" he stated.

Fighting over me (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now