Thursday 21.02.18

43 0 0

I weighed myself and I'm fucking 56.
Still at 56?? Wtf is wrong with me? Ugh I can't stand it. Yes Monday I binged hard but by now I should AT LEAST be 55. It feels like I fasted for nothing. Wth
And it's so unmotivating, I know I said multiple times that I was super motivated, that was when I actually lost weight. Ugh it's so annoying. If by tomorrow I didn't lose weight, I don't know if I'll still be able to go on with that little motivation.

Anyways, I decided to make a lilac game setup. It would look soo good!! First I have to find a job though lol, it's a little hard in lock down but I'll try harder finding a job.

I have so many other things I want to buy but I have no money:/ lol
For my future: study, living, motorcycle
For fun: vampire teeth, lolita dress, eyeliner
Hobby: PC+
And that's just a small selection, I have more things but these are the ones I'm focussing on first heh. Especially a pc and monitor and actually my whole setup. It's going to look so cute. I'll see if I can find an inspiration.

Today restricting is a little hard, I'm bored, I have a test and I'm not losing weight. For now I haven't binged so that's good. I might eat and make sure I don't binge and stay under 1000.
For now I had
- Sourcy (5kcal)
- fisherman (3kcal)
- butter candy (13kcal)
- blueberries (156kcal)

Okay so I had dinner but then after binged... didn't think that was going to happen but it's okay. I don't think it will become a habit. I'm pretty sure I didn't go over 2000. We'll see tomorrow what I weigh. Hope it won't be too bad. I actually hope of remaining but best would be to lose of course.

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