Chapter 1

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Loud music, something Jungkook absolutely detested. Yet here he was, sitting in an old looking bar with his fingers wrapped around a glass of whiskey. The brunette slowly brought the glass to his soft lips before taking a big gulp out of it. Alcohol had been his coping mechanism for quite some time now and eventhough the brunette knew it wasn't right to drink until he couldn't remember anything he couldn't help himself.

His life was shit and he needed something strong to forget about it for some time.

Slowly Jungkook began to scan the bar. All kinds of people were present and the boy squeezed his eyebrows a bit together as he started to analyze them. One by one the brunette's eyes wandered over the other guests at the bar until he picked out one of them to analyze a bit further. It was something the boy loved to do, look at random strangers he came across and analyze them until his brain got tired, that way he could forget about his own life and dive into someone else's for once.

A girl with long blonde hair was sitting directly across from him. She looked quite young and judging by the look on her face she had definitely drunk too much already, eventhough it was still pretty early in the evening.

A soft tss left the brunette's mouth as the girl was busily talking to a guy with slick hair and big muscles. Her hands were slowly rubbing up and down his chest and the guy looked as if he couldn't wait to get into the girl's pants as fast as possible. Judging by the look on her face she was more than ready to give it to him.

A judging look started to appear on Jungkook's face as he observed another girl next to the blonde from a small distance. The more the brunette paid attention to her the younger her face seemed to get and within an instant multiple questions began to roam the brunette's mind. How the hell did she get inside when she wasn't even close to being of a legal age to drink and how did no one but him notice?

However Jungkook quickly decided to not pay too much attention to any of those girls as soon a new target walked into his eyesight. A young man who appeared to be around the age of 25 took place on a chair near the girls. His face was decorated with small strands of blonde locks falling into his face and a bored look could be spotted on his features.

A small smile started to appear on Jungkook's face as he followed every move the older male made. Confidence was clearly something the boy didn't lack any of and with a face like his Jungkook could actually understand that perfectly. The man looked like a damn model who had walked straight out of some damn magazine.

Soon a story started to form into Jungkook's mind about this boy's life. He probably came from a pretty rich family judging by the clothes he was wearing. The boy would have definitely been some sort of jock back in highschool and now was probably working as a model. He would have a girlfriend back at home but he definitely would forget about that fact when he went out with his friends.

A professional playboy, that is what the goodlooking boy looked like in Jungkook's eyes. His handsome face and charming smile practically did the work for the blonde and Jungkook couldn't ever imagine him as the type to quickly settle down and start a family. If anything this boy was the complete opposite.

The blonde boy had come to the bar together with a group of friends. All of them looked like they were around the blonde's age and while they all looked handsome it was the blonde that kept standing out to Jungkook. He was just different according to the brunette. Something about his looks kept mesmerizing the brunette that was observing him from a distance.

Jungkook slowly tore his eyes of the handsome blonde before he decided to focus on an older looking woman this time. The woman was dancing on the dancefloor and skillfully swinging her hips to the beat of the music. Her raven coloured hair was flowing richly over her back and slowly bounched up and down with every move she made.

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