Chapter 3

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Physical jobs, the one thing Jungkook didn't do. Of course the brown haired boy was in great shape and he was pretty sure that he wouldn't have any problem with doing a physical job when it came to his body endurance. However there was one thing that kept the hacker from taking them, the danger. A physical job would be without a doubt at the minus twice as dangerous as his normal jobs, which consisted of getting information and hacking systems from behind the safety of his computer. The brunette always made sure that his location wasn't trackable and thus he had never been in real danger before. Well apart from meeting some notorious gang leaders of course.

With a physical job such as robbing a bank a whole different threat came lurking around the corner. Not only did Jungkook have to watch his back as he didn't trust any of the guys here, there also was a much higher risk at getting caught. When the police would close in on the bank which was being robbed then the brunette couldn't possibly say that he got nothing to do with it. He would be like a monkey trapped in a cage, waiting to be released once again.

Why did these creepers have to want him

A doubtful feeling began to form into Jungkook's chest and he slowly looked around the table he was sitting at. The blonde guy named Taehyung from before was still staring at him, an almost impossible to read expression on his face. This guy surely knew exactly what Jungkook was getting himself into the moment he had opened that old and rusty door and yet he was still not showing his true colors. Ohh how Taehyung was a mystery Jungkook loved to know a bit more about.

If only he could stare at the blonde's eyes a bit longer..

While Taehyung would mostly catch the eyes of those surrounding him by his outstanding looks that wasn't what made Jungkook so interested in the older boy. It were his eyes. Those beautiful sparkling eyes held more secrets than the blonde wanted to show and while his face did an amazing job at hiding every single emotion he was feeling it were his eyes that kept on betraying him. Every now and then a slight rush of a certain emotion could be spotted in them and they gave so much away about the true feelings of the boy, yet still managed to hold so many secrets.

"Why do you need me if you've got such a big team already?" Jungkook decided to ask, a hint of courage lacing his voice. The brunette wasn't backing down for any of these guys. They had already figured out his real identity and probably knew a lot more about him so there was absolutely no way he could ever decline. However that didn't mean that Jungkook would turn into a scared boy and do anything these males wanted him to, hell no. He was Hersey and they needed him, not the other way around.

"It's simple." Namjoon answered while standing up from his seat again and walking over to where Jungkook was sitting, only to stop right in front of him. The bulky male had a smirk plastered on his face and clearly was pretty certain that Jungkook wasn't going to turn down their offer. At least that was what he looked like. This guy wasn't called the boss of this team for nothing, he always got what he wanted and if you didn't cooporate he would make you do so. Namjoon looked like a guy who didn't take no for an answer.

"We need someone to get us into the vault." The grey haired male continued to explain while leaning down a bit towards Jungkook's face, his eyebrow twitching slightly. Shivers ran down Jungkook's spine upon noticing the look on the older male's face right in front of him. Namjoon clearly wasn't a guy he wanted to mess with and while he wasn't a known gang leader or mafia boss Jungkook just knew that whoever he was, this guy had a lot of power. Power he wasn't scared to use against anyone who stood in his way.

Power he wasn't scared to use against Jungkook

Immediately the turning wheels inside Jungkook's brain began to work and a confused look began to form onto the brunette's face. Of course he wasn't a pro when it came to robbing a fucking bank but he had seen quite a few movies about them and none of them had required a hacker to get into a vault so why do these guys need him for it? An unsettling feeling began to form into the brunette's stomach and he looked at Namjoon with a hard expression on his face. Something about this whole deal was really off.

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