Chapter 8

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Everything happened way too fast and before Jungkook knew it  gunshots sounded through the big building once again. He knew Taehyung and the others would have real guns but he didn't expect them to just randomly shoot around like  a whole bunch of psychopaths. The brunette's heart was stammering in his chest and a dull ringing sound kept infiltrating his ears  continuously. Ohh how Jungkook regretted ever agreeing to this whole damn mission now more than ever. This wasn't going to end well, there was no way. Way too much stuff was going on already.

Slowly but carefully Jungkook  raised his head a  bit from the ground once  again, only to look around once more. Jimin was still  standing on the counter while pointing his gun at all the employees  behind it and one of  the other team members was screaming angrily at all the other people who were laying on  the ground while fear was clearly visible on  their faces. "The first who moves will be rewarded with a bullet through their skull!" Namjoon angrily screamed as he paced back and forth the group of helpless people. The older male was doing an amazing job at sounding as terrifying as possible and if Jungkook didn't know exactly what was happening then the male was pretty sure he would have fainted already. There was no way a human body could take this amount of stress.

Yoongi on the other hand walked up to Jimin and smoothly jumped over the counter himself in order to keep an eye on the employees there. If one of them decided to press any emergency button then all of them would be screwed big time and the whole plan would end up in a big fat failure. That was something that they absolutely couldn't let happen. The more men watched those damn  employees the better.

Jungkook quickly shifted his eyes from Yoongi to another person and immediately locked eyes with Johnny. The other brunette had seemed like the nicest of the whole team and in another life Jungkook was pretty sure that the two of them could have  become friends. However right now the only thing that came to the hacker's mind when he saw  Johnny was pure terror. In just a small amount of time the other male would be pressing  a gun against his temple and while Jungkook knew he wasn't in real danger, just one wrong move from the other brunette could end everything.

As if on cue, Johnny's stare focused on Jungkook completely and before the hacker realized it the other male was harshly pulling him of the ground. Johnny had tangled his fingers into the dark brown locks of Jungkook and was yanking the male up. A painful feeling immediately shot through the younger male's head and out of instinct he grabbed the other brunette's hands before trying to open them in order to stop the pain he was inflicting on his scalp. Johnny however seemed to have an iron grip on the soft locks of Jungkook's hair and his hand wouldn't even open the slightest bit. Tears started to brim at the corner of Jungkook's eyes and the painful feeling only seemed to increase more and more.

What the hell did this asshole think he was doing

Soon Jungkook was pulled up to his feet and after what felt like ages to the brunette Johnny finally released his grip on the younger's hair. As if on cue Jungkook's hand shot up to rub over his painful scalp and by now a small tear managed to escape from the corner of his eye, slowly rolling down his cheek. When he agreed to do this job he definitely should have said that they had to keep their hands off of him. No way would he ever have agreed to being hurt, the male hated pain more than anything.

However as Jungkook was slowly rubbing his hand over his painful scalp he suddenly felt a hand wrap it's fingers around his throat and before the brunette  realized it he was gasphing for air. Once again Johnny was hurting him really bad and the iron grip the older now had around his throat made it difficult for Jungkook to actually fill his lungs with air. However as if chocking him wasn't enough, suddenly the cold feeling of the metal barrel of Johnny's gun could be felt against the hacker's temple and  once again his eyes began to  fill themselves with  tears. He knew he had agreed to this plan himself and he realized that they did have make it look like Jungkook really was in danger. However this whole act of theirs was really overstepping the boundary and it  wouldn't take long before the lack of air would cause Jungkook to faint.

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