Chapter 7

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Stupid. That's what Jungkook felt like right now. Why the hell did he ever agree to this plan. The more steps the brunette took the more this whole plan began to sound stupid. There was a goddamn reason why he never did any physical jobs and yet here he was, either securing himself a shitload of money or getting himself locked up for the rest of his life.

Today the streets of Seoul were rather quiet. Thick heavy drops of rain kept falling out of the darkblue sky and the sound of the rain hitting the ground filled Jungkook's ears constantly. The gloomy weather kind of resembled Jungkook's mood perfectly. The hacker too didn't see anything bright shining in his future at this very moment and the thought of the police finding out he was actually a team with the people who were about to rob the damn bank was an absolutely nightmare to the brunette.

That surely would fuck up Jungkook's entire future..

Every time Jungkook set a step closer to the bank the sound of his shoes splashing the water underneath his feet filled his ears and with every single step he took his heart race increased slightly. Ohh how he wished for this day to be over already. The amount of nervousness Jungkook was experiencing now was something he hadn't felt for a long time and he truly longed to just turn around and walk away from the bank as far as possible in the limited amount of time he had. Unfortunately that wasn't really an option....

At least not if Jungkook didn't want to anger the whole damn team he was working with

The fact that both Namjoon and Taehyung knew everything there was to know about Jungkook still freaked the hacker out. Sure he wasn't backing down for any of those two but it did complicate things quite a bit. He couldn't exactly say no to this job or any of the jobs they might want him to do in the future. These guys simply knew too much and angering them by saying no to their jobs would be too much of a risk for Jungkook. There was way too much on the line for the brunette.

A soft sigh left Jungkook's mouth as he neared the bank. The tall and big building already came into sight in the far distance and the hacker quickly checked the watch on his wrist to check the time. His time management had to be exactly right. The brunette couldn't go inside this bank too early but certainly not too late either. Both would fuck up the whole damn plan before it had even started and that was the last thing the brunette wanted to happen.


Jungkook's heart skipped a beat upon noticing the time and he immediately began to walk a bit faster. In less than five minutes Jimin would enter the bank and the brunette really wanted to see him go inside. If Jimin walked inside then he had to wait exactly two minutes before he himself also went inside. That is what Taehyung had told Jungkook to do and so the brunette would execute it exactly how the blonde wanted him to.

After all, he was the one paying...

It was at times like these that Jungkook really hated himself. Last week he hadn't exactly focussed on opening the damn lock anymore, he knew how that thing worked and he was a 100% able to open that lock in a little less than eight minutes. However he had focussed on trying to find out how it was possible that all the details about his adress and his real name had ended up the hands of none other than the ones who were payig him. The brunette had always been extremely carefull with all his personal information and details and made sure that he wasn't tracable in any way. Yet here he was, doing a job he didn't want to do because these people knew everything there was to know about him.

Of course the brunette had made sure to check every single trace that could have lead to him thoroughly and he had ended up with nothing. He himself hadn't been able to get his own personal information which really meant that he had secured them amazingly tight. However this did make the brunette freak out a lot. How was it possible that these other guys, who were less skilled with computers than he was, were able to gather all his details without Jungkook himself ever noticing. There was no way in hell that should have even been possible in the first place.

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