Chapter 12

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"Taehyung would you like to do the honors of explaining Jungkook the goal  of our mission?" Namjoon spoke as soon as Jungkook had agreed to everything the grey haired male had offered him. Jungkook was important for their mission to be a success, especially since the brunette was the only one who could do what they needed him to do. No one could be easily trusted and while Jungkook was a criminal he somehow just seemed like the right man for this job. The hacker didn't have a double agenda and he certainly wasn't on Johnny's side.

Sure the FBI itself had some great men who knew exactly how to handle a computer. However, none of them possessed the skills and speed that the brunette who was sitting right in front of Namjoon had. Jungkook surely was the best in his expertise and while Namjoon didn't know if he could be trusted fully he certainly had to rely on the male if he ever wanted their mission to turn out successfully.

"Sure." Taehyung spoke before  turning his head towards Jungkook, who was still sitting directly next to him. The blonde male had a serious expression on his face and a soft sigh left his mouth before he began to talk. "So the chip Johnny stole is the sole reason for us needing you in the first place. That chip contains certain information which could be harmful to all of Korea if they won't be made public." Taehyung began to explain and immediately Jungkook scoffed lightly before he became slightly annoyed. They had just agreed that he would be let in on all the information they possessed and still Taehyung was trying to talk his way around it. Like hell Jungkook would let that happen. The brunette wasn't stupid, either they were gonna tell him everything or he wouldn't help them as fast as he could.

"What's on the chip?" Jungkook spoke, a demanding tone lacing his voice. There was no way he'd let them get away without getting all the damn details about this mission. If he was going to risk his goddamn life for these people once more then he might as well learn all the fine details about the plan. After all it would be way easier for the team too if he knew what they were talking about. If Namjoon wanted Jungkook to join their team then it would be about damn time they'd start treating him as a part of their team too, even if he was a criminal. In a team like this one they should be able to have each others backs and secrets certainly didn't help with that.

Taehyung sighed softly before he looked at Namjoon. The older male nodded his head slightly, encouraging Taehyung to tell more details  about the mission and quickly the blonde turned towards Jungkook again before he continued his conversation with the other. "Plans. Plans that could destroy all of Korea." Taehyung spoke before a slightly anger look could be visible in his eyes. It was as clear as crystal that Taehyung and the rest of the team wanted to do anything within their power to make sure those plans were  not going to fall into the wrong hands. "You know Seunghoon right? One of the presidential candidates?" Taehyung then spoke and immediately Jungkook nodded. Of course he knew Seunghoon. The male was one of the last two remaining presidential candidates. In only a month from now the new president would be elected and by the current looks of it, Seunghoon would win with almost 67 percent of the estimated votes.

Jungkook wasn't mad about the idea of having  Seunghoon as his president at all. He even considered voting for him. The male had some great ideas and under him the country would surely rise to one of the top countries in the world. Besides that, all citizens of the country would get more loan and more jobs would be available. Even though Jungkook didn't really need more money himself he surely wished for the poor to have a slightly better life than they were having now. Life could be quite harsh in Korea if you aren't born with a shitload of money. He had been in their shoes and he didn't wish that for anyone.

Well, apart from Johnny maybe, for all  Jungkook cared that asshole could rot in hell.

"He's planning to start a war as soon as he becomes president. He'll first attack North Korea and is planning to attack Taiwan next. Eventually he is planning to take over all of Asia. The asshole is going to bring nothing but  misery to Korea. His plans  of creating  more jobs and promising more money for the people sound amazing. However once you realize that all those extra jobs will be in the army and that all that extra money is supposed to be coming from the countries he conquers then it doesn't sound so nice anymore."  Taehyung explained and immediately Jungkook's eyes grew big while a shocked look began to form onto his face. the brunette hadn't expect the blond next to him to say something like this at all. Seunghoon always came across as this loving and smart male who wanted nothing more than to take care of the people of Korea. He wanted to make their country  better, not worse. There could be no way this all was true...

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