Chapter 25

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A content smile was plastered on Jungkook's face as he stared out of the windows of Taehyung's car again. A short while ago the two of them had decided that it would be time they'd head back to the others to see what they were up to. After all, they must have been gone for quite some time now and the last thing the two of them wanted was for the others to worry where they'd gone. Sure they had announced they were going away for a while but if it had been Jungkook who'd be left behind in the apartment he surely would've been worried about when the other's would come back.

By now Taehyung had managed to clear his head a little and Jungkook had once again succeeded in making him feel a little better about everything that had happened in his life. Sure, the brunette couldn't solve every single problem he'd ever encounter but he was able to make Taehyung feel a little less bad about them and for that the blonde was thankful. Jungkook in general made Taehyung feel at ease and even though the blond was happy the other made him feel like he could trust him he was also scared. Scared about telling Jungkook too much and putting a target on his head. Scared the other wouldn't want anything to do with him once he found out the whole truth.

Jungkook on the other had couldn't be more thankful to Namjoon for sending him with Taehyung. The blonde had opened up a little about his past which helped the hacker to understand him a lot better. Sometimes it was hard for the brunette to see through all the hiding Taehyung did and figure out what the blonde really was thinking and feeling. However now that the other had told him about his mom Jungkook finally understood a bit of the pain the other must feel. Taehyung wasn't just a cold person who wanted nothing to do with anyone around him. He was above all damaged by events from his past which made him to the man he was today.

"Thanks for coming with me Kook. You being there with me really helped me get some things of my chest." Taehyung spoke as he drove past a few skyscrapers before taking a turn to the left. The blonde's eyes were almost glued to the road in front of him but that didn't matter for Jungkook. He could still easily spot the relaxed and chill composture of the other and slowly a proud feeling began to creep up to him. He was the one that had made Taehyung feel better and he was damn proud of that fact.

"No problem, it was nice to get to know another side of you." Jungkook answered honestly while a small smile began to form itself onto his face. Even though Taehyung wasn't looking at him he knew that the other could hear the upbeat and happy tone in his voice. He knew that Jungkook had liked spending time with him. "You know, apart from the intimidating quiet guy act you usually put up."

Taehyung didn't answer Jungkook at first and thus the brunette immediately began to worry a bit, afraid he'd made the elder angry for saying what he really thought of the façade the other usually put up. However soon a small smile began to play at Taehyung's lips and he softly shook his head while his eyes were still focused on the road ahead of them. "You'd understand if you'd be in my shoes."

Jungkook however immediately began to shake his head while the smile on face slightly widened. "I'm like a trillion percent sure I wouldn't understand because when it comes to stuff like this we are without a doubt polar opposites. You tend to keep everything to yourself while I tend to share too much." The brunette said, his voice filled with an amused tone.

"That I've noticed." Taehyung answered, an amused tone now also lacing his voice to which Jungkook immediately looked at the other, his eyes challenging and that smile still plastered on his face. "What do you mean?" The brunette asked, a hint of curiosity lacing his tone. Had Taehyung perhaps watched him as closely as Jungkook had been watching Taehyung?

"In the past few weeks you've gone form wanting nothing to do with us to practically telling us the color of your underwear." The blonde answered him, a hint of amusement lacing his voice and a small smile playing at his lips. Jungkook's eyes immediately grew wide while he felt his cheeks heat up a little upon hearing the words Taehyung had spoken to him. There was no way he'd gone that far, right?

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