Chapter 15

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A nervous feeling rushed through Jungkook's veins as he sat in the back of Taehyung's car. The brunette was sitting right next to Jimin while Yoongi was in the passenger's seat. Taehyung obviously could be found behind the steering wheel.

Currently the guys were on their way to the big skyscraper that was Ten's home. Taehyung had identified the male as Johnny's boyfriend and he was probably the only reason why they would get him to come out of his hiding spot. Johnny had planned his whole plan perfectly, he only hadn't counted on a certain Jeon Jungkook being still alive and working against him. Maybe that small mistake would be what finally led to his downfall.

"Jungkook are you ready?" Yoongi spoke from the passenger's seat and immediately after Jungkook pressed a button on his laptop before nodding. His whole screen suddenly filled itself with camera footage of inside and outside the big skyscraper they were heading to. A proud smirk slowly started to form onto the brunette's face as he admired the work he had done. It was as easy as peeling a banana for Jungkook to hack into a security system and display the live footage on his screen.

"Great! Where are all the men?" Yoongi quickly asked a serious yet excited look visible on the male's face. Even though they had had enough action already for this week the older male couldn't help but feel a rush a adernaline hype him up for what was about to begin. He loved action and he certainly hadn't joined the FBI only for him to sit back on his ass and watch while all the others had their fun. Nope, Yoongi definitely was a man who liked being in the middle of the action.

Jungkook quickly began to scan his laptopscreen, his eyes slowly passing over each and every single inch of his screen. "Two by the entrance and three more inside the lobby. There are two guys walking around the building continuously and three guys are waiting on Ten's floor for us." The brunette spoke as he continued to look at his screen in order to look for any potential guys he had missed.

The men Jungkook was looking for could be easily recognised. All of them were wearing black suits and a black earpiece could be spotted in their right ear. Jungkook smiled softly to himself as an amused look grew onto his face. If these guys wanted to blend into the crowd then they were doing a terrible job at it.

"Did you hear that Namjoon?" Yoongi spoke into his phone, waiting for the other to confirm that he had indeed heard what their hacker had said. Namjoon had been the one who had ordered them to use two differect cars today. If a group consisting of eigth people suddenly jumped out of a van and started running towards the front door then that would definitely be suspicious and if there was one thing the team did not want it was to be seen before taking all these men out. If Johhny found out they had tracked Ten down before actually getting to him then things could turn out quite ugly. Who knows how many men he'd send here to protect his precious boyfriend.

"Loud and clear. Are you guys ready for some fun?" Namjoon answered back, a hint of amusement clearly lacing his tone. It was honestly a joke with how Johnny was trying to protect the one he loved the most. The fact that he seriously thought that he could stop 6 trained FBI agents, a proffesional hacker who had been roaming the underworld long enough to know how to keep himself standing and a guy who could handle a gun beter than anyone else with some low life guys who only did what he wanted for money was absolutely hilarious for the whole team. Like they'd even stand a chance against them...

The plan today was simple. First Taemin, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin would park their van a few blocks away from the building they were aiming for and sneak up on the guards that were guarding the outsides of the building. After they'd taken them out they would hide the guys from the guards who were still inside while Taehyung and Yoongi would walk inside and take down the other three. After that Hoseok and Taemin will make sure to tie up the guards they had already taken down and lock them up in some sort of broom closet on the ground floor while both Jungkook and Jimin will carry the brunette's stuff inside. Jungkook definitely needed his hacking devices, otherwise they had nothing. After the whole ground floor will be cleared the team will use the stairs to climb up to Ten's floor, take out the remaining guards on their destined floor and take Ten hostage.

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