Chapter 13

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Jungkook softly sighed as he turned around on the couch, carefull to not fall off of it. The lights inside the apartment were turned off, only the reflection of the moon illuminating the darkness surrounding them. After their talk yesterday and Jungkook agreeing to join the team the whole team had decided to go to sleep and continue their search for the chip tomorrow again. All of their bodies had been sleep deprived and while it would certainly have come in handy to track the chip down immediately, all of them knew damn well that their tired bodies wouldn't take much longer before giving in. They had agreed to get Jungkook's stuff from the station tomorrow and give it their all when tracking down Ten, but after their bodies had gotten some rest.

Jungkook too had fallen asleep almost instantly when he laid his head down, his body being tired from everything that had happened that day. The hits and bruises Johnny had managed to give Jungkook surely still hurt a lot and his brain felt like it had been hit with a brick. However the brunette did hope that some rest would do him good and that tomorrow he'd at least be able to take care of himself, without Taehyung having to carry him everywhere.

The hacker still didn't know how to thank the other properly. Taehyung was the main reason why he was still alive and while he didn't join the team on their mission out of free will he still felt like he had to thank the older properly. He owned his life to him after all.

Currently it was midnight and somehow Jungkook had woken up again, feeling himself unable to fall asleep. He had been turning and twisting for the past fifteen minutes now and somehow his body still felt like it was wide awake, ready to start the day. A soft sigh left the brunette's mouth as he opened his eyes slowly and looked around himself. His mouth was dry and he really wanted to get a glass of water for himself. However he still didn't trust his body fully and he certainly didn't want to wake any of the other males up by fainting again. That would be without a doubt a worst case scenario.

Slowly the hacker began to push himself up on his elbows, letting his body slowly get used to his new position. Jungkook looked around the barely lit room, his eyes adjusting to the lack of light quickly. Both Yoongi and Jimin were laying on the same big couch Jungkook had been sleeping on and Hoseok and Taemin had offered to sleep on a mattress on the ground together. Jin and Namjoon had taken up the only real bedroom in the apartment and Taehyung had gotten an extra spare matress from the neighbors downstairs to sleep on. However as Jungkook looked around the room, everyone was still sound asleep, except for Taehyung. The male wasn't laying on the same matress he had fallen asleep on and quickly the brunette's eyes began to dart around the apartment, looking for the silhouette of the older male.

It didn't take long before Jungkook spotted some movement and the small balcony of the apartment and he squinted his eyes a bit to see more clearly what the older was doing. However due to the lack of light in the apartment and the distance between the couch and the balcony Jungkook's eyes unfortunately couldn't figure out exactly what the male was trying to figure out and slowly a curious feeling began to form into the hacker's chest. He wanted to know why Taehyung was up and what he was doing.

As soon as Jungkook's body was completely used to the new position of the male he sat up completely before slowly standing up from the couch, making sure that he didn't wake anyone in the process. His sight immediately got a bit dizzy and the brunette closed his eyes briefly before slowly making his way to the doors which would lead him to the balcony. His curiosity had already gotten the best of him and there would be absolutely no way he'd get any more sleep without talking to the elder first.

Luckily for Jungkook, the little sleep he had gotten had done him well and he managed to walk towards the door without fainting again or waking anyone up. Sure his legs were a bit wobbly but that didn't matter to the hacker. As long as they didn't give up on him completely then he'd be totally fine.

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