Chapter 14

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"Hey Jungkook. Wake up!" Soft noises left the brunette's mouth as his body slowly started to wake up. The loud voice of someone whisper shouting right next to his ear surely wasn't something the hacker liked first thing in the morning and he was already making a mental note to himself to just kill the one  who was interrupting his peaceful sleep.

"Jungkook! Breakfast is ready." The familiar voice tried once again, a happy and excited tone lacing his voice. Jungkook sighed softly before he slowly began to open his eyes. The more awake he became the more he realized who it was that was trying to wake him up. Jimin wasn't stopping until  he woke up anyway so  there was no use  in trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep.  Not with the pink haired male  interrupting him every few seconds.

"Chim leave him alone. He's awake already." The soft voice of Jin suddenly  sounded close  by and a small giggle left the pink haired male's mouth before he finally got up from the couch were Jungkook was still laying on and walked  over to the kitchen in order to join the others. Immediately after Jungkook finally felt the  presence of the way to  active boy leave he sighed out of relief before starting to open his eyes. A delicious smell was filling the boy's nose already and as if on cue his stomach began to rumble loudly.

As soon as Jungkook finally managed to open his eyes the first thing he was met with was light. The sun was already doing a great job at peeking through the curtains  of the apartment and lit up the whole room. Jungkook smiled at the sight in front of him and slowly began to look around himself. All the other members of their team  had already woken up and the brunette himself had been the only one who had still been trying to get some sleep. Jungkook's eyes quickly darted around the apartment, looking for a familiar blonde. Him and Taehyung had been up pretty late last night and neither of the two of them had gotten enough sleep so it slightly surprised the hacker that the older male wasn't still sleeping too.

Jungkook quickly found the one he had been looking for standing on the balcony, a sigarette between two of his fingers and white puffs of smoke leaving his mouth every now and then. Flashes of last night immediately popped up into  the brunette's mind and he thought about the conversation the two of them had had in that exact same spot. Taehyung remained a mystery to Jungkook but he was slowly starting to peel of the outer layers surrounding the older. It would only be a matter of time before Jungkook would figure out everything surrounding that male, he was sure of it.

"Morning sleepyhead." Taemin suddenly spoke from behind Jungkook, causing the brunette to get startled for a moment. Jungkook's eyes grew slightly wider and he immediately grabbed his torso on the place where his heart was. Taemin noticed the actions of the younger and began to laugh softly before laying one hand on the younger's shoulder. "Care to join us for breakfast? Jin made ramen and eggs." The older spoke and Jungkook softly nodded before  getting up and walking towards the kitchen. His face probably looked like he could  fall asleep any minute now and his hair was all tangled up. Jungkook however didn't care about those facts, he was hungry. Food first, the rest would be fixed later.

"Kookie come! Sit next to me!" Jimin immediately enthusiastically exclaimed as he began to wave his hands  around once he spotted Jungkook.  The male had a happy look on his face and while it was still quite early in the morning that didn't withhold Jimin from being his usually cheery and bubbly self. Jungkook sighed softly before walking over to a chair right next to the pink haired boy and sitting down on it. The brunette definitely couldn't be described as a morning person and he hated anyone who wanted all kinds of things from him at this time of the day.

Jin sat down at the head of the table while placing a few pots on the table and a friendly smile was covering his face. "How are you feeling Jungkook? Are you still dizzy? Do you still have a headache?" The  oldest of the team asked, a friendly yet concerned tone lacing his voice. Jin came across as the type of person who cared for others way more than he cared for himself and somehow he gave Jungkook a safe feeling. Jin made the youngest of the group feel like he actually belonged in this team when in reality all of  them knew that he didn't. These guys worked for the law while Jungkook was someone who didn't care for the law at all.

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