Chapter 16

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"So anyone who'd fancy a delicious cup of tea? Cause damn, I cant wait for you all to spill me some." Ten spoke as he let the whole team inside his apartment. Jungkook raised both his  eyebrows as he watched  the black haired male's antics. The hacker surely would have thought that this  was going to be a fight which wouldn't turn out that great for one of the sides  involved but the fact that Ten was now willingly letting everyone enter  his apartment was something none of  them had counted on.

"Ohh and thank you by the way! I was waiting for someone to finally get those annoying pests off my back. They wouldn't leave me alone for even a single minute." The black haired male spoke as he turned a corner and gestured for everyone to take a seat on the big black couch that was standing proudly in the middle of the living room. Judging by the looks of it the apartment Ten was living in was expensive. Really expensive. Luxurious furniture could be spotted everywhere and overall the whole apartment just screamed expensive.

"This one is mental, I'm telling you." Yoongi softly whispered towards Jungkook and the brunette laughed softly before turning towards Yoongi and answering him. "Tell me something I hadn't noticed yet." The brunette spoke softly, making sure that Ten wasn't able to hear anything the two of them were saying. Right now the black haired male was cooperating which was something completely unexpected, yet it did make the job a whole lot easier. The team definitely didn't need him to stop doing what he was doing though because two people had called the male mental.

"So, spill me some tea boys. I have been a prisoner in this goddamn apartment for three days now and I desperately need some gossip from the outside world." Ten then spoke as everyone had sat down,  including he himself. An excited look could be spotted on the black haired male's face and he raised one of his eyebrows, waiting for someone to finally start talking and telling him what the hell was  going on.

Taehyung softly coughed before he decided to speak up. "I cannot give you any details so don't ask any questions okay?" The blonde began to speak and immediately Ten began to nod eagerly, as if he was swearing to tell no one and keep his mouth firmly shut for the time Taehyung was speaking.

"Johnny went on a mission with us to retrieve something we need but he ended up stealing it from us. He's gone of the  radar ever since. We hope to find him through you." Taehyung said, purposely leaving out most of the details since Ten was a real chatterbox who couldn't ever keep his mouth shut. If anything went wrong then it would be better if the black haired male knew as  less as possible. After all he couldn't spill all the team's secrets if he didn't knew them in the first place.

Ten nodded before he began laughed softly, an annoyed look visible on his face. "Ohh the irony of him betraying you Taehyung. That sorry excuse of a man has not shown any respect for anyone lately." Ten  spoke, a bitter tone lacing his voice. Jungkook raised both his eyebrows upon hearing the answer of  the boy and he softly shook his  head, not understanding one bit of how  this male  worked. Ten was unpredictable and Jungkook surely didn't like it one bit.

However  the bitter look on Ten's  face soon disappeared again and made place for a bright smile. The black haired male jumped up before looking at the team, a look of mischief visible  on his face. "Well, let's get to work then, you guys want him here so let's make a trap for him. Tie me up daddy cause we need to show Johnny a video of me being captured by you guys." Ten spoke as he stuck out both his hands towards Taehyung, giving him permission to bound them together.

Taehyung's mouth fell slightly open upon hearing the nickname Ten had just given him and he softly shook his head before pushing the black haired male's hands away and grabbing one of his wrists, pulling him towards the kitchen. "I ain't your daddy, cut the crap Ten." Taehyung spoke as he reached the kitchen and placed the smaller male on a chair before gesturing for Yoongi to come over and put some handcuffs on him.

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