Chapter 20

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"Stay close okay?" Taehyung spoke as he tightened the grip he had on Jungkook's hand. The brunette softly nodded as Taehyung led him towards the stairs which would ultimately lead them to the ground level of this building. The death of Ten was still very fresh and none of the males had even gotten a chance to actually let their emotions out about the whole situation. However this wasn't a time to break down, they still had to make it back to Taehyung's apartment in one piece.

The only sounds sounding through the whole hallway was that of footsteps running towards the stairs and Johnny's cries. The male was completely broken and thus he didn't resist anymore. He looked like he had lost all his will to live as soon as Ten had closed his eyes. The hurt was clearly visible on his face and tears were streaming out of his eyes continuously.

In a way Jungkook felt sorry for Johnny. He hated the other brunette with all that he had got but still he felt some kind of compasion towards the older male. He had just lost the love of his life and that must have been immensly hard for him. Jungkook loved to say that he got what he deserved but that didn't sit right with the hacker. He too had gotten to know Ten and after their last conversation he had actually started to like the jet black haired male. Ten turned out to be so much nicer than Jungkook had ever anticipated him to be and now he was gone. Sure the brunette hadn't know him for long but that didn't mean he didn't care. Ten didn't deserve this fate.

Ohh how he wanted to turn back time just so he could give the male a fair shot at life.

It didn't take long before the team managed to make it to ground level and immediately Taehyung began to push Jungkook a bit more behind himself before he motioned for both Yoongi and Namjoon to follow him towards the glass door that would lead them towards the lobby of the building. The blonde quickly pressed a finger to his mouth before he pointed at three males who were waiting in front of the entrance with big guns in their hands. Johnny's team clearly wanted to make sure that none of the members from the other team would get out of this alive.

Jungkook's eyes grew big as he watched how Taehyung motioned towards both Namjoon and Yoongi to each take out one of the men while he would shoot the thirth. He knew damn well that all three males knew how to handle their guns however this was a risk. The three of them first would need to go through the glass door before they'd have a clean shot at the other men. A second too late would definitely result in themselves being killed and Jungkook definitely didn't want that to happen. Not when they were the only members apart from the brunette himself who'd be able to defend them.

Jimin was carrying Jungkook's most important stuff, the pink haired boy being smart enough to grab the brunette's bag and laptop as soon as Ten had died and both Taemin and Hoseok were trying their best to keep Johnny as quiet as possible. Taemin had his hand pressed against the brunette's mouth while Hoseok pointed his gun at the male's head so that he wouldn't run away. One wrong move and a bullet would be decorating his skull.

Taehyung slowly began to count down from three to one with his fingers and as soon as he put down the last finger down all three males burst through the glass door. Immediately the three males who had been guarding the entrance focussed their gazes on the three intruders and aimed their guns at them. However Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon were faster and before Jungkook knew it the three guards fell down to the floor, their eyes void of any life and a huge red stain decorating their sweaters.

Taehyung quickly turned around before he motioned at the others to follow him. The team immediately did as he said and he motioned for everyone to listen carefully to his next words. "Listen, that sniper is still out there and who knows who else will be too. The safest way to all go out is if we take a run for it, it's our only chance." The blonde spoke before he looked at Namjoon. "You and Jin make a run for the van and pick up Taemin, Hoseok and Johnny at the entrance." Taehyung continued before he switched his gaze to Yoongi. "You make sure Jimin manages to bring the stuff to my car safely, I'll protect Jungkook myself." The blonde finished before he locked eyes with Jungkook.

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