Chapter 9

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Soft puffs of air left Jungkook's mouth as his sight became more and more blurry. It wouldn't take long before his body would finally give up on him and more than ever the brunette was ready to let the darkness engulf him completely. The male's whole face was hurting and there was no way Jungkook would be able to save himself from this situation. He was pretty sure he wasn't even able to stand on his own damn feet right now. Johnny surely hadn't hold himself back when he had made his foot collide with the younger's face.

After a short moment footsteps suddenly sounded through the hallway again and Jungkook tried to open his heavy lids again. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest and his breathing had become irregular. His whole body was fighting so hard to stay awake in case more danger would be on it's way however Jungkook himself had already given up. Apart from Taehyung and Johnny no one of the team had any idea what had happened back here and since the both of them had ran off chasing each other the brunette was pretty much left to fix his own problems himself

As if he was even able to do so in this state

Whoever would find the hacker now literally could do anything they wanted with the brunette. Jungkook couldn't even lift his own arms at the moment and he was only seconds away from passing out completely. While he knew damn well he needed to stay awake in case Johnny would come back and actually kill him this time somehow he also didn't feel like fighting against the darkness that was trying to take him completely. At least when his body would finally stop fighting this whole nightmare would finally be over. No more fear, pain, backstabbing or work. The only thing that would be left was a peaceful silence.

The sound of footsteps in the hallway slowly sounded closer and closer to Jungkook and as the brunette slightly opened his eyes to look at who it was he suddenly felt two strong arms wrap themselves around his body before picking him up as if he weighted nothing. "Jungkook wake up." The deep voice of Taehyung suddenly sounded close to the hacker's ear and slowly he began to open his eyes a bit further. Eventhough it took every single drop of energy the hacker had left he was determined to look at the one who thankfully hadn't decided to leave him behind in his eyes. He needed to know for sure if his mind wasn't playing tricks with him.

The first thing Jungkook noticed was that he hadn't been in the same spot as before anymore. Taehyung had clearly picked him up bridal style and was now carrying him somewhere. The second thing the brunette noticed was the worried look on Taehyung's face. The blonde male's eyes were filled with worry and unlike all the other times the two of them had seen each other his face was now showing this exact expression as well. The blonde's face was actually showing an expression on his face, which surely had been a first ever since Jungkook had met the blonde.

"Hold on okay? I'll get you out of here." Taehyung spoke as soon as he saw the other male open his eyes slightly. A determined tone had been lacing his voice and somehow the older's words made Jungkook feel a bit safer. Even though he wasn't actually part of the team as they were paying him to actually do this job he still was glad they hadn't just decided to ditch him. Taehyung had somehow came back for Jungkook and for that the brunette was already thankfull. At least he now wouldn't wake up inside some damn prison cell, if he ever managed to wake up again.

"T-thank you." Jungkook managed to bring out, his voice a soft and weak whisper compared to the normal sound it made. Johnny's violence had taken quite the toll on the unsuspecting hacker and if it hadn't been for Taehyung then Jungkook would have surely been dead already, with Johnny blasting a bullet through his brain. It was only a little over 12 and already the blonde was saving Jungkook's life for the second time today. Maybe Taehyung wasn't as bad as Jungkook had first initiated. The blonde had a mysterious aura surrounding him but he definitely wasn't a bad guy. He had done more than enough for Jungkook to prove that fact.

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