Chapter 29

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The inside of the farm the boys had just gone into looked just as cozy as the outside had done. Seoyun clearly had a big love for plants considering they were filling up every table, counter and there were even a few big ones placed on the ground with big brown pots around them. Cute looking flower curtains were decorating the windows and a soft breeze could be felt every now and then from the open window in the kitchen.

Currently the boys were seated on a green sofa with a small brown coffee table placed in front of it. The fireplace, which did a great job at heating the place up, made a crackling noise every now and then and it truly made Jungkook understand why Seoyun had chosen a life outside of the city instead of her old apartment. He too would like to life a normal and quiet life like hers once this was all over. To him she seemed so at peace.

Seoyun soon returned from the kitchen with a tray filled with 5 cups of steaming hot tea and a plate filled with multiple chocolate chip cookies, clearly made by herself considering the smell from having them baked earlier this morning still lingered inside the living room. She carefully placed the tray down before handing each of the boys a cup of tea and taking place in the green chair that was placed right across from the sofa.

"So obviously we are not only here for a reunion between you and Taehyung, Mrs. Kim." Namjoon decided to speak up immediately after the brown haired woman had sat down, he had come here with a reason and while he loved the fact that his friend had finally gotten a chance to meet with his mother again he had to think about the bigger picture, Korea was depending on whether this woman could help them or not and wasting time would benefit no one. "We were hoping you could help us with bringing Seunghoon down."

Seoyun smiled slightly, a sad look briefly crossing her features before she focused her gaze on the cup of tea in her hands. "I cannot stop him if that is what you need help with." The brown haired woman spoke before looking at her son with an apologetic look on her face. "I've tried that before and it almost cost me mine and Taehyung's lives."

Upon hearing this a confused look made it's way onto Taehyung's face and he locked eyes with his mother. "What do you mean? The blond asked, his mind clearly filled with questions. He hadn't known the reason why his mother had left him and he had always assumed that she had chosen to do so herself. However upon hearing his mother's voice now he slowly began to doubt everything he had ever believed.

Seoyun looked at the confused look on her son's face and she immediately looked away from his gaze, a feeling of shame creeping up on her. "I've known about his plans for years Taehyung." She spoke before a soft sigh left her lips. "Seunghoon tried to kill me the morning I was going to tell the police about his plans." She confessed before she put down her cup of tea and stood up from her chair, a somewhat nervous look now visible on her face. She had lost Taehyung once already and by telling him all this she might lose him again. He would have every reason to hate her after she was done telling the story. After all, it had been her who had left him with that monster.

"During my marriage with Seunghoon I felt like I was trapped. The beginning of our marriage was great, we were happy and we even got blessed with the most perfect baby boy I could have asked for." Seoyun spoke before she looked at Taehyung with adoration in her eyes. Her son was the only thing good that had come out of her marriage and even though she hated the man her ex-husband had become she could never hate the son she shared with him. How could she hate the one person she would be willing to sacrifice everything for? Taehyung was her everything and he would always remain so.

Upon hearing Seoyun talk about the son she had with Seunghoon immediately Jungkook's eyes grew big as his brain began to connect all the dots. His gaze immediately shot over to where Taehyung was sitting but the blonde failed to see the other look at him, too focused on watching his mother. Finally all the puzzle pieces began to fit right into each other and it all made perfect sense why the blonde had been willing to give everything for this mission to be a success and why he was so well informed about everything that got to do with Seunghoon. The blonde hadn't just been any of Seunghoon's closest men, Taehyung was his son.

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