Chapter 10

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Darkness, a pounding head and a sore face, that's about everything Jungkook could feel and see as soon as he began to regain his conciousness. Literally every single part of his body hurt and his arms and legs felt like they were paralayzed. The brunette felt as if he had been captured in his own body, waiting for the light to finally release him from this nightmare. He couldn't give up this easily.

Slowly the hacker began to gather all the strength his body possesed and slowly tried to open his eyes. As soon as a small ray of light managed to made it's way through the small slit between the brunette's eyelids he quickly shut them again due to the brightness. "Jin come quickly! He's awake." A familiar voice spoke, however Jungkook had no idea who it was that was talking. Sure he had heard that voice before but somehow his brain still wasn't functioning properly.

Soon the hacker began to do a second try at opening his eyes, only for the bright light to immediately infiltrate his sight again as soon as he opened his eyes slightly. However this time the brunette didn't give up this easily. Slowly his body was regaining some of it's strength and thus Jungkook pushed himself to open his eyes completely. The bright light of the room he was laying in was blinding at first, however soon his eyes got used to it and slowly he started to see two faces hanging right above his.

"Is he okay?" One of the males spoke, concern cleary lacing his voice. "You're acting as if I'm a goddamn doctor. I am just as clueless as you are, do I look like a damn surgeon or something? Out of all the jobs in the world that's be the one job I'd never do." Jin answered the other male who only scoffed in response before he leaned a bit closer to Jungkook and started to softly pinch the boy's cheeks in order to get some reaction out of him.

"Last time I checked you were the one who is most skilled in fixing injuries out of all of us." The pink haired male who was hanging right above Jungkook spoke, continuing to try and get the male underneath him to react to whatever it was that he was doing. Back when they all had still been training the whole team had gone through multiple medical trainings in case one of the teammembers needed medical attention. Jin had been the one who had been best at these by far.

"Oww." Jungkook softly managed to bring out as Jimin pinched his face again and immediately the brunette managed to get the full attention of both Jin and Jimin. "Ohh so you can still respond, great! Now we won't get fired!" The pink haired male sprung up happily while a bright smile broke out on his face. "I'll go and tell the good news to the others!" He announched before dashing out of the room, leaving Jin and Jungkook completely alone.

Jin smiled at the behaviour of his friend before he focussed on the male in front of him. "How are you feeling?" The older male asked as he locked eyes with Jungkook. The hacker took a deep breath before he began to push himself up on his elbows. Flashes of what had happened suddenly appeared before his eyes and the male immediately grabbed his head in the process. He could clearly seen the chip he had been holding and Johnny pointing that damn gun at him and Taehyung intervering. Ohh how he needed to thank the other for saving his life.

"Easy, you probably have a concusion." Jin the spoke as he immediately grabbed Jungkook's shoulders in order to steady the boy. The fact that Jungkook was in this state was already bad enough but what was even worse was that they still needed him to find Johnny. Like the injured male would ever agree to help them again. The state he was currently in would definitely not be appreciated by the younger.

"It feels like my head is going to explode." Jungkook spoke as he slowly let go of his head again and opened his eyes once more. Jin smiled at him while an apologetic look was crossing his features before he quickly grabbed some pills and a glass of water from a table beside the bed Jungkook was sitting on. "Here take these. They'll make you feel beter."

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