chapter 22

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A week had gone by in which everyone tried to get their minds right again. With Ten's passing and Johnny who hadn't said a word ever since the search for the chip had come to a dead end and no one knew how to continue. Namjoon had tried the best he could to get the brunette to talk, however Johnny kept his lips sealed. The only sound the male sometimes made was him breaking down, probably due to the fact that he blamed himself for Ten's death. After all, he had been the one to fire that bullet.

The whole Johnny situation stressed everyone out. For the past couple of days he had refused to eat anything and had only taken small sips of water every now and then. It was like he was purposely starving himself as some sort of punishment. It truly was horrible to look at his pathetic state. The Johnny they had captured was just a shell of the man he had once been. Only a fraction of the person they had actually needed to get that chip.

In that week Taehyung hadn't set foot once inside the bedroom in which Johnny was being held. The confrontation with the brunette was something the blonde wanted to avoid at all costs. He hated his ex best friend with all that he got and still there was just this tiny piece of Taehyung's heart that still cared about him. They had grown up together and there literally wasn't a thing they didn't know about the other. Taehyung just hated the fact the he'd be confronted with the fact that that friendship all belonged to the past now rather than the future. His head knew the bond between him and Johnny had been lost but his heart refused to accept that fact.

Why did it have to come to this?

"I don't know what else I'm supposed to do Joon. He refuses everything to the point that it's starting to worry me. The last time he ate was three days ago." Jin spoke as he walked out of the bedroom, a worried look visible on his face. The oldest male of them all briefly closed his eyes as he let out a big sigh. He had been the one assigned to try and get the younger to eat but it had been to no use. Johnny didn't even react to anything the older said to him.

"Not even a tiny bite?" Namjoon answered back as he looked at the plate of food in Jin's hand. The burger that was standing proudly on the white plate looked untouched and as soon as Jin shook his head Namjoon angrily slammed his hand on the kitchen counter. "God damnit!" the grey haired male angrily let out as he let out a deep breath of air. Johhny was their only way to get to know where that chip was right now. If he wasn't talking then there was no use in looking for the damn chip at all. Seoul was a big city and it would be of absolutely no use to aimlessly start looking. The damn chip was so small and so easily hidden, it'd be like looking for a needle in a stack of hey.

Jungkook closed his eyes at the sound of the impact Namjoon's hand made on the kitchen counter and he looked at the leader of this team with a defeated look on his face and dark circles around his eyes. For the past week Jungkook had done his absolute best to try and locate the chip. He'd even stayed up night after night to try and find the goddamn thing but it had been to no use. The chip was untraceable as of right now and their only hope was trying to starve himself right now.

Just their luck

The whole team looked like they had no idea what to do with the situation. The elections were coming closer with every day that passed and if the word about a possibly upcoming war didn't come out before them then Korea would basically be doomed if they chose the wrong man as their president. None of these males here wanted to let that happen of course but who was going to believe them if they did not have any evidence?

Taehyung softly sighed as he looked at the others in the room. All if them wore sad expressions on their faces and it was as clear as crystal that none of them knew what they had to do anymore. With a deep sigh the blonde stood up before he began to walk towards the bedroom where Johnny was being held against his will. "I'll go talk to him."

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