Chapter 21

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Jungkook ran down the stairs as fast as his feet could carry him, desperately trying to catch up with Taehyung. The blonde always hid his emotions like a pro and in times like these it just wasn't healthy. A lot of shitty stuff had happened tonight and if Jungkook could only take a small bit of the burden the blonde was carrying right now he would instantly do it. Taehyung hadn't looked fine at all when he had walked out of the apartment and if it had been Jungkook who'd stood in his shoes then he would have been gratefull for anyone who could support him even a little bit.

As soon as Jungkook finally reached the lobby of the big building a soft sigh left his lips upon seeing no trace of the person he was looking for. Taehyung must have gone ahead and was standing outside already. Well, that's were Jungkook hoped he was. The brunette certainly wouldn't fancy a game of hide and seek at this time of the day, especially not after what they all had gone through tonight. No one should be alone at this moment and seeing as both Jungkook and Taehyung were right now the only thing that the brunette could do was find the blond as fast as possible.

With big steps the hacker was walking towards the exit of the building, hoping that he'd find a certain blonde male standing outside. Soft puffs of air kept leaving Jungkook's mouth due to the shock of earlier tonight and he couldn't help but let his mind wander to Ten. The last he had seen of the black haired male had been his closed eyes and the big red stain covering his t-shirt. Jungkook couldn't even imagine the pain the older must have gone through before it all had went black. He couldn't even imagine what dying felt like.

Writers and movie makers always described dying as something beautiful. Surrounded by the ones you love and this dull world making place for a beautiful bright white one once you ascended to Heaven. However what if it wasn't anything like that? Ten hadn't been on good terms with Johnny when he had died. He had told Jungkook all about how he hated the fact that his boyfriend had cheated on him and how he longed for nothing more but to make Johnny feel the same pain he had been feeling. And what if it wasn't a bright white light that would come and get you? What if there wasn't something after death? What if the moment you died this world was replaced with nothing at all. Just a black mass which would slowly take over you. What if dying wasn't something beautiful like everyone always portrayed it to be. Maybe it was nothing but terrifying in the end..

Luckily for Jungkook his mind got quickly distracted from his thoughts again as soon as he reached the exit of the building. Jungkook softly pushed the big glass doors open before he walked outside of the building. Immediately a soft breeze of air hit the hacker's face, making a shiver ran down Jungkook's spine. Tonight was pretty cold and the brunette just hoped he wouldn't have to be outside for too long. Ohh how Jungkook hated the cold the night brought them at this time of the year. Why couldn't it just be summer?

Quickly Jungkook looked to both his left and right side until he found Taehyung leaning against the wall of the building, a sigarette between his lips and a distant look covering his features. Jungkook smiled briefly before he began to walk over to the blonde. He would try to be there for Taehyung, wheter the older would like it or not. He wouldn't allow Taehyung to go through this process alone and close himself off completely again as a result of it.

Taehyung didn't see Jungkook at first. He just kept on focussing on his sigarette while staring aimlessly at the night sky. The male looked as if he'd lost a lot tonight and Jungkook was even sure he probably regretted ever bringing Ten into this whole mess. To be honest, Jungkook would have been too. This whole mess definitely wasn't Taehyung's fault alone yet he could only hope the blonde thought about this all the same way he did. Judging by the look on his face he far from did.

"Hey." Jungkook softly spoke, announcing his pressence to the blonde who was still absentmindly staring at the starry sky. Taehyung briefly looked down to see who was talking to him before focussing his gaze on nothing in particular again, the distant look from before returning almost immediately on his face. "Go away Jungkook." The blonde answered as he briefly closed his eyes, a soft sigh leaving his rosy colored lips.

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