Chapter Four

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The club the friend group had been invited to that night was new. It was considered an exciting, energetic, and modern top-of-the-line club. They were only getting in because Nat, a well-known PI (Private Investigator), had done a case for the owner.

The owners had a worker confess they knew someone from the inside giving their ideas to a competitor. Nat took on the investigation and found the rat in time for the business to be secure before opening or in the long run. In doing so, she saved the club owners tons of investment money from going under before it even started.

Wanda and Y/N got ready as planned at the former's house, and Nat and Maria met them outside the bar. The boys were coming at a different time, 30 minutes later than they were, which meant they got a small head start on the evening.

"Ok, girls!" Nat shouted over the music. "Bar's back there. The dance floor is over there. They have private rooms in the back that Hilde was kind enough to gift us for the whole night if needed, as well as tons of little other things to explore. She also said if we don't want that spot, we are more than welcome to move around," she instructed as she pointed out each of the spaces.

"Damn, Nat. This place is impressive," Wanda noted, looking around in surprise. "And by impressive, I mean, I'm not normally a club person, but I think I can get behind this place."

"Yeah, look at all the free real estate," Maria's shoulder-bumped Y/N as they scanned the young and attractive clientele already in the building and flooded in. Y/N laughed as Maria set her gaze on a group of girls laughing and dancing.

"Who's the boss again?" Y/N shouted as the group maneuvered to the bar.

"Two brothers own it. Thor and Loki, but they leave the management and marketing jobs up to Brunhilde. She mainly goes by Val, though. She's the one that hired me."

"She going to be here tonight?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah, she said when we got here to start a tab under her name. Drinks are on her tonight. But only for the girls. Boys get two free ones before they have to start paying," Nat answered with a laugh, getting a collective cheer from the girls. "Update on the boy's ETA?"

Y/N fumbled through her small purse for her phone and pulled it up, looking at the group messages.

"Sam and Clint said they were on their way, and Bucky and Steve drove together and should be here..." She paused, seeing a new text from Bucky. "And it looks like Bucky forgot his wallet, so they had to turn around. They won't be here for another 30-45 min."

"Vis is also on his way. It's not really his scene, so he might stay for a little, and then we'll head out," Wanda added, putting her phone away.

"You're not going to stay with us when he leaves?"

"I'll see. He's been on business for the past two weeks, so we haven't had much time together. We can always come back here, though, right Nat?"

"For sure! Val's chill; honestly, I can see her blending well with the group. I was going to ask if I could invite her over for game night sometime soon so you guys can meet her," Nat smiled.

"Oh, please?" Y/N jumped. "Another girl for the group! We can thank her personally. This is really so much of her to do for a group of mostly strangers."

"She was happy to. The only requirement she asked of us is to have a good time and advertise it well," Nat winked. "Shall we start our list of reasons to come here by hitting the bar first?"

"You don't have to convince me," Maria jumped, rushing to the bar just feet away, with the rest of the girls laughing and following.


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