Chapter Twenty-One

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"Ok, yeah....Hmmm mmmm, I just wanted to double check on it with the date change."

Bucky had just returned home after a long day of work, and was still technically working with the phone call he was in the middle of.

Y/N turned in the kitchen at the sound of him coming in. The open concept flat made it easy for her to see him through the kitchen and send him a smile as she cooked. He returned it with a wink as he sat his briefcase by the entrance and began undoing his tie as he walked toward the kitchen.

"It's not that big of an issue, Lorraine," he sighed looking at Y/N as if trying to get her to save him. She just rolled her eyes and went back to cooking with a smile. "Really. Whether you told me today, or you told me the day before, it would've been fine... Ok, yeah... Thanks again. I'll get the details from you later..." He paused and Y/N watched as he was about to hang up the phone, but the woman on the other line kept going. "No, it's fine. How about you just text or email me the details? I- I gotta go Lorraine. Bye!" he rushed out, hanging up before she could continue. "God, as great as a secretary she is, she doesn't know when to quit," he groaned, leaning on the island that Y/N was working on.

"Is that the same Lorraine that always hits on Steve when he comes in?" Y/N asked as she chopped up some sun dried tomatoes.

"Yup. The woman is obsessed with him I'm pretty sure," he chuckled. "Hey, you don't think-"

"Don't set him up with her," Y/N quickly cut off his train of thought. "Clearly Steve is not interested, and from the few times I've talked to her, she doesn't seem anywhere close to his type."

"And what is his type?" Bucky grinned, coming behind her and embracing her from behind as she threw tomatoes into a pan she was also cooking chicken and broccoli in.

"She's a little too 'out there' for Stevie."


"Really," Y/N confirmed as he nuzzled his nose into her neck. "On another note! How was work today?"

"Ugh, hectic as usual," he groaned, pulling back to let her continue her own, but still staying close as he threw a piece of cooked chicken into his mouth. He was quickly shot a glare from his girlfriend for messing with her recipe, and he put his hands up in surrender before continuing. "Once this merger is 100% complete then everything will slow down though. Just waiting for that moment."

"And when will that be? Not long right?"

"Nope. That's what Lorraine was calling about," he nodded, finally getting the tie followed by the suits jacket off. He unbuttoned his shirt sleeves and rolled them up. "We're doing a charity ball again. This time to celebrate the merger and raise money for some of the new projects we're breaking out."

"Oh B! That's so exciting!" she jumped, clearly eager for him as she squeezed his arm.

"It's very exciting," he chuckled at her joy for him. "There's just one problem..." He sighed loudly to really play his part.

"What?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

"This charity ball and all... I need a date and I have no idea where to start looking," he said with a shake of his head really playing his role.

"That's a shame," Y/N played along. "And when is this charity ball?"

"Next week."

"Ah, well you better start looking soon. You don't have much time," she chided going back to cooking as if unbothered.

"And where do you suggest I look?" he said scooting closer, liking this little game.

"Not sure," she shrugged. "If I had to make a suggestion though, it wouldn't be here."

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