Chapter Seventeen

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"Damn it," Bucky hissed looking to where Y/N was oblivious to who walked in.

If she saw her, forget having the issue of a bar fight with Thor. This one was going to be 10x worse.

"I thought she moved out of the state," Steve said leaning closer to Bucky, but the two were still watching the she-witch in the distance.

"Thought so too, but maybe her stupid business brought her back," Bucky growled.

He turned back to Y/N who was now looking at him, and as soon as she saw the worry on his face, she turned her head to the side.

"What?" she mouthed.

Not thinking it through, Bucky turned to monitor the brunette again to see if she had somehow vanished into the air like he had hoped, but no. He had the worst luck apparently, and the woman was now making eye contact with him. Her cheshire cat grin grew as if her plan was being played out perfectly.

"Fuck," Bucky muttered looking to Y/N who was now following his previous eye line. "Shit, shit, shit," he said, quickly forgetting the game in front of him, and smacking Steve's arm for them to move, but Steve was one step ahead already heading to Y/N. "Get her. I'll get the devil in Prada."

Y/N was sliding off her stool with a look to kill after recognizing the woman that made the mistake of waltzing here. Shit was about to hit the fan if Y/N reached her, but luckily Steve was quick to the jump. He wrapped his arms around Y/N's middle keeping her from going further.

All she saw was red though.

"Steve, let me go," she said in a calm yet terrifying tone, never turning to look at the man holding her. Her eyes set on the woman.

"Y/N take a breath. Don't be too rash," Steve said in a soothing way in her ear and pulled her back more where she was struggling against him.

"What's going on?" Nat asked next to Maria, before turning to assess the situation. "That little bitch," she said with a dangerous tone.

"Nat, don't make me restrain you too," Steve warned as he re-adjusted his arms to really hold Y/N who was close to slipping.

"I'm fine," Nat waved off. "For now."

"What's she doing here?" Maria asked. Clint and Sam now noticing something was up and joining the group.

"That's the question," Steve groaned as Y/N started using her elbows. "I'm trying to help here, Y/N/N. Don't fight me please."

"If you want to help, let me go," she said through her teeth.

"Not a good idea Y/L/N," Clint spoke up, moving in front of her, just in case she did get away.

Bucky had made it to the other woman now. He had been looking back at Y/N to gage her reaction, and he knew he only had a few minutes to get the she-devil out before Y/N broke free from the three men and all hell really did break loose.

"Hmmmm, James. How sweet to see you again," the brunette purred with a pop of her hip, arms crossed, and the damn cat like grin still on her face.

"Can't say the same," Bucky retorted. "What are you doing here?"

"What a sweet welcome," she sneered, tilting her head to see Y/N being restrained in the corner. "What? No greeting from your little side piece?" Y/N made eye contact and immediately started fighting Steve harder. Sam and Clint having to step in. "Feral, that one."

"I said, what are you doing here Bonnie?" he growled, ignoring her and moving to where he was blocking Y/N from her view.

"Hmmm. Still protective of each other I see. Guess nothing has really changed there," she said looking around. "Can't believe I used to come here with you guys. This place is disgusting," she said with a raised lip.

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