Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Y/N picked up Bucky shortly after cleaning up the house some from her guest, and changed into something a little sweeter. Grabbing one of her many sundresses, she threw it on, gave Alpine a sweet kiss and pat to the head before heading to the airport.

"What are you so giddy about? You just that excited to see me?" Bucky said poking Y/N' side from the passenger seat.

She giggled and playful shoved Bucky's hand back. "I just did a lot at the house and I'm excited to show you."

"A week and a half is a long time. Plus, without me as a distraction," he teased poking her side again and got her to scoff and laugh at him, "I'm sure you made some crazy good progress, doll."

"I did." She raised her chin with a smile in pride. "I can't take all the credit though because we have some amazing friends who lent me a hand where I needed it."

"Steve come over?"

"Yeah, so did Nat, Maria, Sam, Clint, Wanda, and Vis. The whole crew."

"Sounds like you guys had a party without me," Bucky chuckled, placing his hand on her thigh as she drove.

"You know it," she winked. "But you knew this. I filled you in every time we facetimed."

"True. I'm excited to see what masterpiece you've come up with now, my little artist," he said, never looking away from her from the time he got into the car to now.

"I missed you," she said looking away from the road for a second to see him with the lopsided smile looking at her.

"I missed you too, Sassy. A week and a half felt like a lifetime."

"You can say that again."

"How's the little feline monster?" Bucky asked, resting his chin in his hand still watching her as if she would disappear if he blinked.

"Don't act like that cat isn't yours. He only gets cuddly with me and loves on me when you're nowhere to be seen. Besides that, he's attached to your hip. He's practically your sidekick."

"Eh, he likes you too," Bucky brushed off.

"I never said he didn't like me! You clearly are the Alpha and he treats you like it."

"If only he knew who actually is the alpha in the house. This conversation would be much different," Bucky said winking at Y/N.

"Awe, it's sweet you know the truth," Y/N winked back agreeing with him.

"Such a witty woman," Bucky laughed, throwing his head back.

"One of the reasons you love me," she shrugged.

"You're not wrong."


The two got home not long after, and once Y/N pulled into the driveway and they got all the bags out, she stopped Bucky before going in.

"I just want to say, if you don't like something, don't hesitate to tell me. This isn't just my house. It's both of ours, so you have just as much of a say as I do." She had one hand on his chest stopping him from crossing the threshold of the front door.

He gently brought up his hand grasping hers in his. "I highly doubt anything you did in there is something I don't like."

"But if there is, you'll tell me right?" she asked with genuine eyes.

"Of course Y/N/N. I'll let you know," He laughed reassuringly.

"Great. Now leave your bags at the front door while I give you a tour."

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