Chapter Five

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The night consisted of hours of fun dancing, lively conversation, and limitless drinking, thanks to Thor changing their tab to be on the house for the evening.

Bucky seemed normal, more or less when Y/N returned to the table- enough that she didn't look into it anymore. But she still kept a watchful eye on him in specific interactions. It didn't help her worry when he didn't hold back on the complimentary amenities, leading to him becoming pretty plastered.

At the moment, he was downing yet another drink, now in the double digits, while Clint, Nat, Y/N, and Maria were on the dance floor.

Bucky watched the strobe lights and crowd move together from the VIP section they had relocated to as Wanda, Vis, Sam, and Steve sat at the booth with him, talking over the music.

"Look at her, Steve!" Bucky leaned into the blonde friend, staring at Y/N on the dance floor and slurring every other word. "Someone's going to make a move on her if she keeps moving like that... And no one deserves to make a move on her-"

"Hey, Buck. Maybe you should slow down. You've had quite a bit to drink." Steve smelled the bourbon on his breath, and his words were spoken as if the muscles in his tongue had given out.

"I'm fine. I have a high toblerance!" he shouted a little louder than necessary.

"You can't even say tolerance," Steve sighed, propping his friend back up. "I wouldn't light a cigarette around you with the amount of alcohol on your breath..." Steve added when Bucky let out an exaggerated psh sound. "I'm getting you water. You're officially cut off for the night, Mr. Sneaking-drinks-from the-rest-of-the-crew's-leftovers."

"I don't need to be babied," Bucky grumbled before nodding to Y/N. "If there's anyone you need to be keeping a closer eye on, it's her. Some man is going to think he has a chance with her and swoop in while she's distracted on the dance floor, and-"

"Bucky, you doin' okay?" Wanda spoke up, seeing the struggle happening on the other end of the table.

"He's just being a stubborn ass as normal," Steve sighed as Bucky leaned too much into him, and he had to sit him up again. "Watch your drinks, though. I think he got to this point from sneaking you guys drinks when you say you're done."

"This is about Y/N, isn't it?" Wanda asked as the rest of the group looked at the pair knowingly.

"No-" Bucky started, sitting straighter, and a clear red blush covered his face in the low lighting.

"Bucky, you couldn't be more obvious if you tried. Just be happy that the only person who isn't catching on is the woman in question herself," Sam shook his head, sipping his drink.

"Nothing is going on between Y/N and me, or else-" Bucky slurred again.

"You wouldn't be acting like this?" Sam finished for him, sending a bitch face to the brunette. "Yeah, I think we caught on to that part of the evening."

"You know what, Sam? You can shove a whole-" Bucky started, pointing a finger and keeping surprisingly steady eye contact with the alcohol in his system.

"Maybe you should get him home. In this state..." Wanda interrupted with one of her once-overs that showed she could guess his next move just by reading him. "He needs to sober up before Y/N gets over here and he says something he'll regret tomorrow."

"Or maybe I'll say something soooo charming, and she'll forget that stupid gym rat blonde behind the bar. What's that guy's problem anyway?" Bucky jutted a thumb behind him toward what he thought was the bar but was directionally askew and pointed toward the bathrooms.

"Yeah, and a cab is being called now," Steve emphasized the 'now' and pulled out his phone.

The group was too focused on the intoxicated fool in front of them to notice Y/N and Maria coming back to the table.

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