Chapter Thirteen

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"Ok. She said she's about 10 minutes out."

Bucky looked down at his phone, taking a deep breath as Steve moved the last few things around.

"This was a good idea Buck. I think she's really going to like it," Steve smiled, brushing his hands off, crossing his arms over his chest, and standing next to Bucky while they admired their work.

"For 4ish hours worth of remodeling, I would say we did pretty well. Of course I can always get her more stuff if she needs, so-"

"She'll love it," Steve said, putting his hand on his friends shoulder and sending him a reassuring smile. "One last thing," he added, turning to him now. "You're for sure going to tell her?"

"When the time is right, yes," Bucky sighed. "I don't want to do it when she's not mentally or emotionally ready for it. It'll only make things harder for her."

"I can respect that. Just know I'm here for you both for whatever goes down."

"'To the end of the line?"

"To the end of the line, pal," Steve confirmed with a chuckle.

The two turned back to the space they created and admired it in silence. It was perfect.

"Is this why you liked this room so much? Natural light?" Bucky asked.

"Yes, cause unlike you, I don't drape blackout curtains everywhere and make myself a modern day Dracula."

"Hey, you know I can't sleep well, and as soon as I see the light, I'm up."

"Yeah, yeah. But you never open them even when your awake," Steve waved off.

"Y/N's got the rest of the house practically glowing under the sun. I don't need to," he defended.

"She is a heliophilia," Steve shrugged.

"A what?"

"A person who has a great love for sunshine and light."

"Wow. Never heard of a truer word to describe her," he smiled, putting his hands in his pockets. "In every way too." He added the last part quietly.

"B, I'm home! I got things for movie night too!" Y/N's voice rang from the entryway.

"Shit! Come on. Shut the door behind you," Bucky said racing to meet her, leaving the blonde behind him.

"You would not believe how many people were at the grocery store today," Y/N said as she unloaded a few things. "I forgot it was the weekend, so when I went in I was shocked at the herd of humans gathered."

"Ha, did you go to the one on Canal?" Bucky asked as he leaned on the counter and caught his breath from sprinting to her.

"Yeah, they just finished remodeling. It's really nice," she nodded, sorting through the fruits and vegetables she bought.

"Nice, nice, nice," Bucky nodded trying to act casual. "Here! Let me help!" he jumped over, racing to put away the groceries.

"Wow. You're in a helpful mood today," she giggled as he took things from her hands and placed them in their designated spots. "What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing, just have something I want to show you," he paused, sending her a quick sweet smile before going back to unloading.

"Ok..." she dragged out suspiciously.

"Hey, Y/N/N," Steve said, finally coming from down the hall.

"Oh hey Stevie!" She jumped and ran to give him a hug. She always greeted him like that. Even if they had seen each other the day before. "Buck said you were coming, but I wasn't sure when."

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