Chapter Nine

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The handsome giant of a man had struck up a conversation with two older lady residents as he entered the facility.

"Well, would you look at that? They're bringing all the good-looking men in here tonight, aren't they, Tillie?" Evelyn said, approaching Thor and getting a smile out of him.

"Hello, young ladies. I was wondering if you know where I can find a Miss. Y/N Y/L/N?" Thor asked kindly, with a puppy-like grin.

"Oh, isn't he cute," Tillie giggled, batting away at the gentleman.

"Y/N? You're looking for sweet Y/N?" Evelyn asked. "I hadn't realized she was with someone." The comment was more directed to her friend, but she eyed him nonetheless.

"I had thought she was with Bu-" Tillie started.

"Thor!" The shout made the small group turn to the voice, and Y/N grinned ear to ear as she approached them. "What are you doing here?"

"Wow. You look," he paused, excusing himself for the seniors, walking to her, and giving her a tight hug before pulling back and scanning her. "Breath-taking, but what's new?"

"Thank you, Thor," she chuckled bashfully, straightening her dress. "What happened with your plans with the club?"

"Yo, who's the new guy?" Sam asked Bucky as he walked back to the crew, now with a scowl etched into his features.

"That's Thor," Bucky answered with a frustrated tone.

"Thor? That's the Thor from the bar?" Sam asked, tilting his head slightly. "Oh, wait. I see it. Damn. Lot more lumbering when he doesn't have a bartop covering half of him." Bucky turned his scowl to Sam for a moment.

"I thought he couldn't come tonight," Wanda remarked, coming next to them.

"That makes two of us," Bucky muttered.

"Calm down," Steve overheard the conversation and moved closer to the crew. He placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder as the four stared at where Y/N and Thor were talking. Then the couple turned to start to walk over, and Y/N's arm looped through his own. "They're coming over. Be civil," Steve added just for Bucky, squeezing his grip on him before pulling back.

Y/N practically bounced on her toes as she approached her friend group and looked up at Thor and back at them. "Hey, guys! This is Thor. Thor, this is a small piece of my friend group that I was with that night we visited your club," Y/N gestured.

Thor pulled his gaze from her introduction and smiled back at the group.

"It's a pleasure meeting you all firsthand. I would have come over and visited that night, but things got busy behind the scenes," he gestured.

"It's perfectly fine," Wanda chimed in. "It's nice to finally meet you. Y/N's talked a lot about you."

"Is that so?" Thor said, moving to where they were holding hands and gently bumping his hip with hers.

"I'm James. It's nice to put a face to the name," Bucky interjected, making everyone turn to him as he put his hand out. The motion was in hopes Thor would drop Y/N's, but of course, he just reached with his other hand.

"Oh right, Bucky Barnes, correct?" Thor asked, and Bucky raised an eyebrow, switching hands to accommodate begrudgingly.

"Only friends call me Bucky, but that would be me," Bucky said with a tight, fake smile.

Everyone was very aware of the tension but either ignored it or didn't bring attention to it.

"Y/N talks about you all the time. The two of you are roommates, right?"

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