Chapter Twenty

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Lucky for them, the ride back to their house was only 5 minutes. They lived close to the beach and their 10 minutes drive was cut short thanks to Bucky speeding in and out of cars to get back.

Once through the door to their flat, their hands couldn't keep off the other. Y/N was pulling on Bucky's jacket and gripping his shirt with extreme need for it to be on the ground and no longer on him.

Bucky couldn't help but want to touch any sliver of her skin he could. His hands had made her hair into a wild mess as he gripped her face and head to be as close to him as possible.

Y/N kicked the door shut, not bothering to lock it as Bucky threw her against it and grabbed behind her thighs, picking her up and hoisting her around his hips. The touch and quick graceful motion caused a moan to escape her mouth.

Bucky locked the door quickly before locking her legs on him and quickly sped towards the bedroom. Y/N had managed to get his shirt off of him and throw it somewhere in the hall. The leather jacket a few feet behind in the living room.

"You know, doll?" Bucky mumbled in between kisses before pulling back enough to catch his breath for the first time. "I love the overalls, but I'm starting to think they'll look better on the floor."

"We should test that theory," she nodded, unbuckling the straps and then throwing herself back into their heavy kissing as he laughed and smiled at her response.

Quickly they were already in Bucky's room and he was throwing her onto the bed. Not even two seconds later he was trapping her under his arms as he leaned over her and started kissing from her lips, down her neck, going straight to that sweet spot.

Her hands were exploring his body. Roaming his bare chest and gently, yet sensually, running her nails over his skin causing goose bumps to form at the delicate touch.

"You're gonna make me fall to pieces if you keep that up," he said with a deep sigh from the touch.

"Isn't that the point?" she said in a seductive tone.

"Jesus christ, Y/N," he moaned before going back into the heated make-out session. His hands going up and down her smooth legs. The feeling was like static electricity with every brush of skin.

With the tension building, Bucky worked to get the overalls off. Next thing you know they were thrown in the corner. Before Bucky could comprehend the next movement, Y/N wrapped her legs back around his waist and did a quick move that somehow flipped Bucky to be on the his back, giving her the dominant position.

"How the-" Bucky said, shocked having never had the tables turned that quick or that gracefully before.

"You know," she said, pushing her now undone and messy hair back and looking over at where her clothes laid now. "They do look nicer over there," she said with a grin when she looked back down to him. Her hair falling loosely over her face as she moved closer to him.

"You're something else, Y/L/N," he whispered, bringing his hand up to brush her cheek. All of a sudden the sexual drive turned to a loving one. Bucky looked down, seeing that their hormones had taken over the past few minutes, and Y/N and him were about to take a major step. Old Bucky wouldn't have even stopped to notice, but this was with someone he loved now. Someone he had actually just confessed his love to. "Hey," he paused when he saw the same look of realization in her eyes.

"Hey," she responded with a soft smile, nuzzling into his hand.

"We don't have to do this just now if you aren't ready," he said shyly. "I want to go at your pace."

"I'm pretty sure I would have slowed things down a while ago if this isn't what I wanted," she laughed, now holding his hand that was cradling her face.

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