Chapter Fifteen

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Next thing you know the two were in sync as their lips melted into the other. Y/N's hands were on his chest bunching the white t-shirt fabric in her fist. Bucky's hands were intertwined in her hair pulling her head closer to his. As close as he could bring her to him.  The kiss went on for what felt like eternity, until they broke apart gasping for air and now it felt like it wasn't nearly long enough.

Y/N was big eyed looking at Bucky who was now grinning ear to ear at the scene that just played out.

"That-that-" she stuttered almost in a hoarse whisper from how passionate the kiss was.

"Was overdue." Bucky said, bringing his hand to her cheek now and moving a curl behind her ear.

Her worried smile turned from shocked to giddy. The open mouth turned to a toothy grin before she was pouncing into his lap and going in for a second kiss. Then a third, and a forth, and a... Well you know how to count...


But it was like then, it got real. Y/N pulled back quickly and placed her hands on Bucky's chest to keep him from following her. Though he still chased after her lips, never wanting to break apart from them now that he's had a taste.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked, feeling like he was high on her and not wanting to spare a second without her close to him.

She was beginning to move out of his lap, but he kept his hands gently on her hips. Showing she could escape if she wanted, but also showing that was the last thing he wanted.

"B, I-I don't want to do this to you-"

He froze, but cut her off. "Sure seems like you do," he mumbled, his eyes saddening a little. Did she regret it instantly, where he wished they had done this years prior?

"No, no. Bucky," she sighed,sitting closer taking back some of the distance. He was ok with that. "I do want to do this," she motioned between them. "I just don't- I don't want you to think that..." her words began to grow softer. Practically in a whisper now.

"Sugar," he said, bringing his hand back around her neck and straightening her head to where she was looking at him. In the low lighting he could see the worry in her eyes and her swollen lips from their kiss.

"I need you to know I'm not using you. I would never do that," she began spilling all her worries out as if it were word vomit. "You mean the world to me, and just last night, Thor and I ended things. So I don't want you to think I'm using you as a rebound. You are the last person in the world who should get treated like that, and I would feel like a complete ass if I did something like that to you. This isn't how I wanted to tell you about my feelings, and it's not fair to you that-"

"Y/N." He cut her off with his thumb brushing over her lips and making her snap her eyes back to him. "I know you would never do that to me. I know," he nodded with a small grin. Then his mind went back to what she said. "You had feelings for me?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Her playful self coming back. "No, that's why I just kissed you like the world was ending."

His smile widened at that. There was his Sassy.

"How did you want to tell me?" he asked, moving his lips slowly to her neck. Making soft and subtle brushes with his lips along her skin and collar bone. She gasped at the touch and Bucky couldn't help the grin that formed because of it. He kept going though, knowing the effect it was having on her.

"I-I," she stuttered before taking in a deep breath. Bucky moved to the other side of her neck, moving up and down. Peppering her with gentle and loving kisses. "You k-keep that up and I won't be able to t-talk."

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