Chapter Nineteen

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Bucky did exactly as he said. He took the day off and mapped out the evening for the two's first real date. Y/N had been calling all their movie nights dates, but Bucky refused to accept those because they weren't "special" enough for her.

So Y/N taught a few yoga classes in the morning and went to the senior home for the afternoon.

Bucky was able to get everything that needed to be set up and everything that they were going to do, timed down to the minute. He was nervous for some reason though. What if he went over the top? What if she was uncomfortable with this kind of date? What if she really only did like lazy nights in, and this was no where close to as romantic as he thought?

"Barnes. Get out of your head. It's Y/N. She loves everything," he sighed to himself. That's when he reminded himself that one of the reasons he loved her was because of the simple things. The girl didn't have to be ooed and awed by expensive, extravagant things. She had said it many times before. As long as they were together, she always found herself smiling. Bucky agreed with that. Anytime he was with her- hell, even thought about her, a smile came to his face. "It'll be perfect," He smiled looking down at the food he made.

Right at 5 o'clock, Bucky arrived at the senior home and went straight back to the art room. Sure enough, the two people that he wanted to see were in there. Y/N was at the front of the class doing an example of a landscape for the seniors to copy. Steve was at the back getting paint for one of the residents.

"Hey punk," Bucky whispered, patting Steve's back.

"Hey jerk. Whatcha doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" Steve said, returning the gesture with a smile and a confused look.

Bucky leaned in. "We're having our first real date tonight. I came to pick her up," he nodded to Y/N who still hadn't noticed him coming in.

"Just now doing the first date? Hasn't it been like two weeks since...well, everything?" Steve asked, giving the paint to the senior with a smile and then coming back to the back wall with Bucky.

"Yeah, I know it's late, but I wanted to get it right," Bucky shrugged, crossing his arms and keeping his attention on the girl in front. "We've both been too busy to do anything, so I figured when the opportunity came, I would do something really nice."

"What do you have planned?" Steve said, smiling at how smitten his friend was.

Bucky explained the main points of the night and grinned looking at Steve as if waiting to see if he approved.

"Wow, Buck. She's going to love it. That's really something special," Steve said with a proud grin, squeezing his friend's shoulder. "So does this mean when you guys get married, I can go back to being your only best friend since she'll be your wife?" he joked.

"Ha Ha, Rogers." he chuckled bluntly. "Might need to get a few more dates in with her before I can get her to fall for that trap. She may figure out she doesn't want me before I can lock her down."

"That won't happen," Steve said, sure of it. "Well, listen, you guys have a great time and be safe. Let me know if you need anything."

"Will do pal," Bucky nodded, seeing that Y/N was wrapping her session up and had now spotted him. He sent her a wink and he could see the blush from all the way in the back creep up her face. It helped that this room was the most natural light filled room in the facility, and she was lit up perfectly. No wonder it was her favorite.

After some cleaning and helping the seniors get where they needed to be next, it was just Bucky and Y/N in the room.

"How was your day off?" Y/N asked, cleaning the last few brushes as Bucky came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and peppering a kiss on her cheek before pulling away. Couldn't chance one of their friends that worked there to see them.

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