Chapter Twenty-Three

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Bucky whisked Y/N to the dance floor in a matter of seconds. Immediately, a song came on that made a smile grow on her face. La vie en rose by Louis Armstrong.

"Oh, this is one of my favorites," she sighed in content as she took Bucky's hand and leaned into him as they begin to sway.

"I think it just got added to my favorites too. Helps when I can tie it to a memory of a pretty girl," he grins down at her. Their noses only inches apart.

"Always a smooth talker."

"It's what I do, doll," he shrugged with that lopsided grin.

Words weren't needed in that moment. Y/N was content in his arms and Bucky was vibrating just being able to look at her. They stayed like that, locking eyes for a solid minute before Y/N moved to rest her head on his shoulder and Bucky laid his own head on top. The two a perfect picture through the next few songs.

Unfortunately, perfection doesn't always seem to last long in reality.

"James! Here's that colleague of mine I wanted to introduce you to," Tony's voice came through as he pushed past people to stand on the dance floor with the couple.

"Can it wait Stark-?" Bucky groaned, turning at the sound, still holding Y/N close. But he was cut off from his sentence when he saw exactly who Tony was talking about. "Motherfu-."

"Hiya James."

"Oh, you've got to be shitting me," Y/N mumbled under her breath once she was looking where Bucky was.

"You look rather dashing tonight. I always preferred you in a tux," the she-devil said with that damn cat-like smirk.

"Barnes, this is Bonnie Bradshaw. But it sounds like you guys already know each other..." Tony looked between the two noticing how Bucky had stiffened, and Y/N was eyeing the brunette as if she was going to skin her alive. "Don't know if that's good or bad," he dragged out, taking a sip of the topped off drink in hand.

"Oh, Tony dear. Things are just fine," Bonnie brushed off as her expensive silk scarf fell off her shoulders and down to the crevice of her elbows.

She was in a dress that was simple, yet 100% something that looked like, and probably was, enough to put a downpayment on a house. It was a sleek black dress with a low hanging neckline. Thin straps held up the top clearly showing her chiseled collar bone and perfect petite breast. But to really bring attention to those two things, she had on a necklace littered with diamonds making the whole outfit another level of 'using daddy's money' material.

"Are they?" Y/N said more to herself knowing she had to keep a face on. Bucky moved his hand to her lower back, rubbed his thumb in a circle, and pulled her into his hip to clearly show they were together. The motion already bringing some ease to her body.

"Y/N, dear you look exquisite tonight. Who are you wearing?" Bonnie asked, acting as fake as ever.

"Wouldn't really know. I don't tend to pay attention to those kinds of things," she answered back with a fake smile.

"Well, it's beautiful. You're stealing the whole show with that dress."

Y/N decided to bite her tongue instead of saying anything. Lord knows any words said to her would not be "gala appropriate".

"What are you doing here, Bonnie?" Bucky said pushing the conversation away from the clear tension.

"Like Tony here said, I'm here on business and heard about you two's company finally coming together," she said, placing a hand on Tony's shoulder. "You know Tons, I've been telling him to do this for ages. I don't know what's taken him so long," she said with an exaggerated laugh.

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