Chapter Thirty

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"Doll, I'm home!" Bucky shouted in the entrance of the house. "Where are you?" he asked when he heard a distant call back.


Bucky took off his sports coat, kicked off his shoes, placed his bags to the side, and made his way to Y/N's art studio.

Walking in the sunroom, it was shining perfectly in there at 5 in the evening. It helped that a beautiful woman like his fiance was also in the room as well. She was in one of her pairs of  paint covered overalls and just a bralette underneath. Her hair was thrown back in a braid that had not been redone since the morning. In the background, calming instrumental jazz lulling through the space to help her focus.

 In the background, calming instrumental jazz lulling through the space to help her focus

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"Wow darling. That a new piece?" Bucky asked, walking in and coming up behind her to admire the giant canvas in front of her.

"Eh, not sure what it is," she shrugged, giving him a kiss on the cheek before going back to critique her work. "Started as a landscape, but I think it's an abstract portrait now..."

"Well, it looks stunning. Just like the artist painting it." The arms wrapped around her waist gave her a loving squeeze before he kissed the top of her head. "How's your day been, sugar?"

"Slow. I didn't have to go into the city at all, so I've been just doing little projects here. This painting being one of them for the past two hours."

"Well then, you must be hungry. Want to go pick up some take out?"

"We can, but first, tell me about your day!" She grinned turning on her stool and forgetting the painting behind her.

"It was good. I actually have some exciting news that I think you'll be happy to hear," Bucky said returning the grin.

"Oooo tell me!"

"Well, I was going to wait until we got dinner, but-"

"I can't wait now! You have to tell me!"

"Ok, ok!" he laughed pushing some hair out of her face. "Things have finally calmed down enough with the merger, so I've decided to take a week off to relax, and take the time to help plan the wedding with you."

"Really?!" Y/N said jumping up from her stool and grabbing onto Bucky's arms.

"No, I'm kidding."

"Sarcastic jackass," Y/N smiled, slapping his arm playfully. "So you're saying I get a whole week to hangout with you?"

"And plan our wedding," he winked.

"Awe, yay!" she cheered, jumping into his arms which he effortlessly caught her in. "Oh, we can discuss details during dinner!"

"Sure thing, doll," he laughed as she wiggled in his arms from excitement.


The two ordered some pizza from their favorite spot by their old place, and were settled on the couch with Brooklyn Nine Nine playing in the background as they chatted away.

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