Chapter Sixteen

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The day went by in what felt like two seconds after that. The two were laying in Bucky's bed confessing all their feelings, times they noticed those feelings and when they tried to hide them.

Next thing they knew, it was 10 o'clock at night.

"Damn, how did it get late so fast?" Y/N asked looking at her phone's time.

"Time flies when you're spilling out your guts," Bucky chuckled.

"I guess so," she smiled back. "So, uh, what do we do now?"

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked.

"We kinda live together. I think that's usually a couple steps up the ladder in a relationship," Y/N laughed.

Bucky grinned not having thought about that. "I guess you're right, but..."


"I know we're taking it slow, but does that mean cuddling is out of the question?" he asked in a soft and almost silent whisper.

Y/N let out a loud laugh grabbing at her stomach at the innocence that no one would ever expect from Bucky Barnes.

"You're adorable," she said in between laughs.

Bucky wrapped his arm around her middle pulling her back into him, and giving her a squeeze as he watched her.

"It's a valid question," he pouted.

Once she got her last bit of laughs out, she finally made eye contact and smiled. Bringing her hand up she brushed his lightly stubbled face.

"A valid question indeed," she nodded. "Yes, we can still cuddle. I however, need to take a shower before bed and,-"

"No you don't," Bucky said quickly, moving to trap her in his arms.

"Yes, I do," she laughed wiggling. "I have paint all over me and I'm pretty sure some ceiling dust too from hanging all these stars."

"I like you when you're covered in ceiling dust," he said, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. "And the paint is cute."

"Maybe to you mister, but as the girl covered in it, I feel gross," she giggled, trying to squirm out of his arms, but failing miserably.

"Here you go again. Acting like you can't get out of this, but in reality you could knock me out cold if you wanted," Bucky said squeezing tighter.

"I'm not going to hurt you!" she giggled. "Just let me go take a shower!"

"Only if I can join."

"What happened to taking it slow?" she grinned over her shoulder at him.

"I mean-"


"I'm kidding. I'm kidding!" he relented, opening his arms so she could escape now. "Fine. I'll let you go, but I'm not happy about it. Just don't take too long."

"I'll take however long I damn please, sir," she said shuffling off the bed and popping her hip once she was planted on the ground.

"Careful Sassy. Any more moves like that, and I won't let you get out that door," he said, sitting up and raising a single eyebrow at her, his face going more serious.

Was it hot in there?

Y/N had to ease her heart rate some. That look alone had her weak in the knees. This was all a new light, and she was excited to explore it just as much as Bucky was, but she was sticking to her plan. She was going to take this slow because she wanted this to actually work out.

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