Chapter Thirty-One

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"Eh, too mermaid-y. How are you supposed to walk in that?" Wanda asked, taking a sip of her champagne.

"I can't walk in it," Y/N said, tugging at the bodice as she tried to move comfortably.

"Not the one. Next!" Wanda waved off.

"I agree," she said, moving back to the dressing room where one of the bridal assistance was already getting the next dress ready.

"So, he was fine with it? Fine with a small wedding and the simplicity of it?" Wanda asked as Y/N stayed behind the curtain changing into the next one.

"More than fine. He was extremely excited. On the way back inside to the house, he was talking about all the little details that he could have done by the end of the week."

"So this Friday, 4 days from now, you guys are going to do the deed?" Wanda asked with a smile.

"Four days," Y/N confirmed.

"How are you going to get this tailored in time?"

"Peggy actually offered to help with that!"

"Wait, Steve's Peggy?"

"That's the one. The only Peggy we know," Y/N laughed after a slight grunt pulling up the new dress.

"Right. I'm glad he finally told us about her. I mean we haven't met her, but at least he's introducing her to us soon."

"He was nervous. You know how rowdy our group is."

"Not me and Vis. We're the calmest of the bunch..." She said proudly, taking another sip of the bubbly drink.

"Vis is. Have you met yourself 3 drinks in?" Y/N chuckled on the other side.

"No, what's she like?" the redhead played along.

"Oh, you'll know in about..." Y/N peeked her head out looking at the bottle of champagne next to her friend. "Say, one more glass?"

"You're a hoe."

"Takes one to know one," Y/N winked. "Ok, next dress." The curtains were pulled back fully, and Y/N moved toward the pedestal in front of the giant mirror. "Thoughts?" There was silence as Y/N picked up the dress a few times and adjusted it to flow around her. The assistant helping as well. "Wands?" she asked confused why she hadn't heard anything yet.

Turning around Wanda was visibly tearing up. The drink was forgotten and her eyes set on her best friend.


"Y/N... That's it. That's the one."

"Yeah?" Y/N smiled turning back to the mirror with a grin. "You think?"

"What do you think?"

"I mean I think so too, but I wanted to know what you thought."

"It's not my day, Y/N/N. This is your day and your moment," she paused letting Y/N take in the moment and really concentrate. "What do you think?" she asked again.

Y/N looked up and down at the white gown. The smile on her face never leaving and her cheeks turning a natural pink.

"I think this is it too," she said through a small laugh. "Yeah... This is it."


"Ok, so we need about 30 chairs right out here. Wait, maybe we should do 40-50 just to be safe," Nat said pointing out towards the tree where the planning had already begun.

"Nat, not that many people are coming. We decided on close friends and family," Y/N laughed as she cut a few more flowers from her garden for decoration.

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