Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Hold still, Y/N!" Nat said as she tried to bring the last pieces of the wiggly woman's hair together. "Jesus woman!"

"Sorry, I just need-" Y/N started as she reached over once again for another grape that she was currently stress eating.

"You know, most girls would be starving themselves before they walk down the aisle to get that extra skinny look. Glad to know even your wedding day won't change you," Wanda laughed in the corner as she straightened the ivory dress hanging up.

"It's grapes. Grapes are healthy," Y/N turned her head sending a playful glare her way.

"Stop moving!" Nat shouted again with a huff.

"Right, sorry."

There was a knock at the door as Y/N shoved another handful of grapes in her mouth.

"Hey, it's Steve. I need Y/N to sign something for the marriage license before the ceremony."

"Wait-" Nat started, but before she could finish, Y/N had already cut her off.

"Come on in Stevie!"

Slowly, and ever so carefully, the door opened with Steve sneaking in before anyone that might have been in the hallway could see in.

"I'll be quick I promise," Steve started as he turned into the master bedroom where they were getting ready. But when he was fully looking at her turned in the chair where she was facing the vanity set up, he stopped in his tracks. "Wow."

"Hey, Stevie. How's it looking out there?" Y/N said casually with a smile on her lips and her arm resting on the back of the chair.

"You-You look beautiful, Y/N/N," Steve smiled not hearing her question.

"Awe, thanks. I don't even have my dress on," she laughed standing and walking over to him.

"Don't need it to be beautiful when you're you, doll," he winked, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Now, I know you're going to be at the end of the aisle Steve, but I don't remember saying yes to marrying you. You keep this up and I might have to," she winked back.

"Bucky would kill me."

"True," she laughed. "So, what do I need to sign? I kinda have plans this evening I have to still get ready for."

"Right! Here," he pulled out a pen with the papers already on hand. "Just sign here to state that I can wed you both. I thought I had got all of it done, but when I was doing my checklist this morning-"

"Classic Stevie."

He rolled his eyes with a smile before continuing. "I realized there was one more document."

"Easy fix." She did her signature quickly before handing it all back to him. "Wow, that's going to be the last time I sign my name with Y/L/N. Hmmm..." she paused as if in shock. "That's really crazy, isn't it?"

"It's pretty crazy," Steve laughed. "But if I'm being honest I called this since day one."

"Oh, shut up Rogers!" Nat shouted. "I was the one who called it, and you were the one that said, 'Eh, he doesn't deserve her.'"

"Really now?" Y/N laughed, turning to Steve with a raised eyebrow.

"Ok, fine. But if I'm being honest, he didn't deserve you at the time. He had a lot of growing and soul searching to do," Steve defended. "I'm happy to say that has been the case, and you were the one to help him along with that."

"All true things. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a bride to get ready Steve," Wanda intervene.

"Right, sorry. Sorry," Steve nodded looking back at Y/N and taking her hand, placing a kiss to it. "We can rag on Bucky after the ceremony. I'll see you out there, Sassy."

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