Chapter Seven

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"She hasn't called, Steve. It's almost one in the morning, and she left at like 6:30!"

Bucky was pacing back and forth in the living room, keeping a keen eye on the front door and waiting to hear the lock turning.

"Buck. She was out on a date. Do you get home at a reasonable hour when you're out?" Steve sighed through the phone, having been woken up at the early hour by his distressed friend.

"Yeah, but I'm a man in this world. Things aren't as dangerous for me."

"When have you known Y/N to ever be a victim of danger? The woman is a walking weapon."

"Even with her martial arts experience, it doesn't mean she wasn't poisoned or drugged. What if he seemed like 'mister nice guy,' and when she had her guard down, he slipped her something?" Bucky began thinking about the worst-case scenario. "Oh, God. I read an article the other week that the date-rape roofies have been growing in victims. You don't think..."


"Or maybe she's out of practice and isn't as ready as she thinks she is," he continued. "I mean, when was the last time she had to actually use those skills? I don't think I've seen her go to a class in the last few years. Have you?"


"Or what if this Thor guy is a complete jackass and isn't treating her right? The date rape drug trumps that, but who's to say both aren't happening right now?"


"Or worse." Bucky paused, looking harder at the door, but this time with saddened eyes. "What if she went back to his place? I knew I should have had her share her location before she left. She's done it before, so maybe I still have it on my app."

There was a pause on the other line. Bucky didn't notice, having been too lost in his own thoughts, as he pulled the phone from his face and went to the Find My Friends app.

"Barnes," Steve's voice came through the speaker quietly, bringing his friend back to earth. "Y/N's a grown woman. She's been in this society long enough to know the dangers she's risking just by walking the street, let alone going on a date with a near stranger. I know it sucks, man, but staying up pacing isn't helping you in any way. The best thing you can do is go to bed and sleep it off."

"You think that's even an option?" Bucky laughed through his nose in annoyance. "Try again, Rogers. I can't stop thinking about it."

"That's your issue," Steve groaned. Bucky could hear the sheets shift as he adjusted on the other side of the call. "Listen, you've shown that you aren't going to do anything about these feelings, and if that's the path you're going to take, then you have to stop thinking like this. It's going to drive you insane and then slowly kill you." Bucky knew he was right. He wasn't ready to admit it, but Steve was right. "What's something you would do before you realized these feelings? Try acting like your normal self via her best friend to find some peace in all this."

Bucky thought about it. "I usually ask her to text me when she gets home so I know she's safe, and then I usually just check in every once in a while to get confirmation she isn't in a ditch somewhere."

"Have you done that?"

"Uh, no..."

"Why not?"

"I don't want her to know I'm thinking about her?" he questioned instead of stating. "Too obvious."

"Of course, she wants to know you're thinking of her, Bucky. Even if it's as a friend. I bet she's probably wondering where her check-in text is from you, and that's making it even stranger that you aren't doing it," Steve groaned.

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