Chapter 11: The Reveal

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Peter sat anxiously at the kitchen counter, waiting for the right moment. Everyone had the be there, so he had to catch them all in the morning before they went their separate ways. Peter and Loki had spent the past night planning how it was all going to happen, accounting for any mishaps of course and broke everything down to Shuri in the morning. Not even Bruce and Nat knew what was gonna happen.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Nat and Bruce came into the living area. He texted the group chat

It's time

Not ten seconds afterwards the doors to the living area burst open with 'Back in Black' playing in the background. Loki came through with Shuri to her side behind her practically yelling "What's up bitches!"

Loki was in her female form wearing knee-high leather boots with a black moto jacket, and a green top underneath. Her long black hair was down to her hips and if Peter was being honest, looked like she could cut steel with her heels.

"So, uhm, who's your lady friend?" Tony asked, not even trying to hide the fact her was practically oogling at her. Pepper smacked his arm.

Loki smiled. "Right. Your not familiar with this form, maybe you'll recognize me this way..." she said. He changed into his male form, his clothes changing to the ones he had been wearing previously. His eyes glittered with amusement.

The looks on everyone's faces were priceless. Tony seemed to have gone into shock, Nat and Bruce were one second from bursting out laughing at Tony, and everyone else had a mixture if surprise, hate, and apprehension.
Peter, Shuri and Loki high-fived and proceeded to start laughing their asses off at how funny everyone looked.

Shuri said through laughter,"We got you guys so good!"

As the laughter died down, the reality of the situation started to settle in for the Avengers.

"FRIDAY, code mean and green," Tony said to the bodiless voice.

Immediately about five different weapons were trained on Loki from the ceiling. Steve had pulled his shield out and the rest were in attack mode.

"Peter, Shuri, get away from him, he's controlling you two," Clint said, anger lacing his voice.

"No they're not," Nat defended. "Just put the weapons away and hear them out."

"Nat, listen to yourself. This is Loki. He's dangerous and needs to be locked away for everyone's safety."

"Please, Clint. If you trust me then let them explain."

He sighed. "I trust you. It's him I don't trust."


Silence descended on the room.


Everyone looked at Peter.

Tony looked at everyone and sighed. "Alright, but know that we have about a thousand reasons not to trust him."

"Trust me then."

They all put their weapons away, still tense. The weapons in the ceiling and walls retracted and everyone sat down. Peter put his hand on Loki's to reassure him.

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