Chapter 2: Discovered

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Peter woke up the next morning and went down to have breakfast. When he got there Tony, Bruce, and Vision were talking about some science stuff. Shuri was exposing Steve and Bucky to the 21st Century and were sitting on the couch watching some "Sherlock". Nat, Clint, Pepper, Thor, and Wanda were sitting at the table having lunch. Peter now noticed that it was almost 1-o-clock. Peter grabbed a donut and joined the three on the couch. Steve, Bucky, and Tony talked their problems out a few months ago and they were good now, though it was still a little awkward sometimes.

Shuri giggled a little and said, 'Someone's up late today."

"I couldn't really sleep for a while last night."

Pepper and nat immediately heard this, rose from the table, and came to the couch. Pepper put her hand on his forehead.

Peter laughed a little and gently pushed Pepper's hand off. "Aunt Pepper and Aunt Nat, I'm not sick!" When he came to the compound, the two women immediately took up the role of "Momma Bird" to the young hero.

They smiled at him and went back to the table. They went back to watching the last episode of Sherlock. Peter was reminded of Loki and wondered what he was doing right now. He decided to go check on him. He grabbed a couple of slices of pizza and started to walk to the other room where the hallway door is.

"Hey, where are you goin' kid?"

Peter turned around to see Bucky looking at him. The rest when they heard this turned to him as well.

"Uhhh... I need to....." Peter tried to think of an excuse. "Call MJ and Ned for a school project."

Tony looked at him weirdly,"You don't go to school anymore Pete."

Dammit! "Umm.. Yeah, they asked me to help them on one of theirs." Tony tried to say something else but Peter cut him off. "Sorry, gotta go!" And he ran off.

Peter went down the hallway and got to Loki's room. He went inside and saw Loki lying down on his bed reading one of the books he had got him. Loki looked over when the door opened and sat up when he saw Peter. Peter sat down next to him like they had done last night.

"I didn't know how much food you usually get, so I brought you some pizza."

They each grabbed a slice and Peter asked, "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

Loki laughed a little before saying, "I am 1051 years old, but in midgardian years, which is what I assume you were asking, I am about 17."
Peter smiled, "Then you are around the same age as Shuri and I! I'm 15 and Shuri's 16!" Loki looked a little confused when he mentioned Shuri. "Right, you don't know about Shuri. She's princess of Wakanda but she's really nice. You would probably like her."

They talked about a few more things when the door opened. Loki's and Peter's eyes grew wide as Natasha stepped into the room, arms crossed. She glared at Loki then turned her disapproving gaze to Peter.

"Uhhhh.... Hi Aunt Nat..." Peter said nervously.

"Don't you 'Aunt Nat' me, kid. What are you doing down here?" She said sternly.

Peter decided to admit what happened. "I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to explore the compound, but I got curious and came down here. I saw Loki down here and..." he paused. "I was curious and then that's when Loki and I met." Loki looked at him gratefully because he didn't mention the nightmare."

"Oh, so you thought making a supervillain your best friend was a good idea?" She said sarcastically.

"But he's really nice and I like him!" Peter said. He knew it was a lame excuse but he had to try at least.

Nat looked at Loki, then Peter, then back to Loki. She sighed. "If you really want to hang out with him, I won't tell anyone. But," she paused and took a step towards Loki. "If I hear one word that you have done ANYTHING to make Peter upset and I will make sure the rest of your life is a living hell. Got it?"

Loki nodded. Like anyone would purposefully upset Natasha!

"FRIDAY, delete any and all footage currently existing of Loki and Peter together. Do this at the end of every day as well."

"Of course Miss. Romanov."

"I'll be checking in on you two from time to time." And with that she left.

"You want to know what? We should have a sleepover in my room!"

Loki looked at him quizzically. "A what?"

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