Chapter 1:Finding a Friend

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Peter Parker is an ordinary teenager, except for the fact that he is a superhero and lives with the Avengers. They had just announced him as an Avenger last week and he was now a superhero full-time.

Peter had tried to go to bed numerous times that night, but something was off. He got out of bed and decided he might as well explore the facility he was living in. He looked inside Tony and Bruce's lab and saw some type of new iron man suit they were working on. He wandered around for a bit like this until he came to a certain locked door. He had the clearance to go in there, but Mr. Stark had told him not to go inside under any circumstances. He thought about it for a while. What could be in there?

Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him. Mr. Stark needed to stop treating him like a kid all the time! So, he opened the door to find a small and narrow staircase. He went down them until they landed a couple of floors down. There was a long hallway with many doors with small windows lining the corridor. They all seemed to be locked. Peter peered inside each of the rooms. They all seemed to look the same on the inside. He continued down the hall in the same manner, until he came to the last door on his right. There was someone in there!

The man had long, messy, ebony hair that fell to his shoulders and pale skin. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black canvas pants. He was facing the other direction while he slept on the small bed inside.

The room itself was fairly small. It was about a 8x8 foot room containing the bed and a small desk. There was another door in the back which Peter suspected led to a bathroom. There was nothing else in the room he could see, not even blankets or a pillow for the bed.

The man turned and Peter knew immediately why he wasn't allowed down here usually. That was Loki, the guy who attacked New York. His eyes were squeezed shut as if he were in pain.

Peter looked at him worriedly. Sure, he was a villain, but who knows what's happened since New York. He used his keycard and unlocked the door. He stepped inside the room as the door sealed shut behind him. He made his way over to the bed and kneeled down. He just looked at Loki for a couple of seconds before Loki shot up with wide eyes and breathing heavily. Peter timidly put his hand on Loki's, who immediately pulled away and glared at Peter. Normally this would have scared him, but he could see the pain and fear in the god's eyes.

"Hey, It's fine! I'm not going to hurt you." Peter said, trying to calm him."I just thought you looked a little distressed so I wanted to help."

Loki scoffed. "Yeah, right..." He sat on the edge of the bed, elbows lightly balancing on his knees, hands falling carelessly in front of him.

Peter was confused," Why is that so hard to believe?"

Loki looked at him then looked away. "No one ever comes to me unless the want something. So, what do you want?" He said bitterly as he looked back at Peter.

" I honestly don't want anything from you. I just hate seeing people in distress after.....after....." Peter trailed off as the memory of Uncle Ben's death played in his mind.

Loki looked at him with those green eyes, a little concerned, then he straightened up and a look of understanding played out on his face.
"It's fine, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Peter took the time to look at Loki, and man did he look like hell. His eyes looked like someone had deliberately painted dark circles under them. His hands were shaking a little and then, Peter saw them....

Scars. Many different scars of varying shapes and sizes went up and down his arms. You almost couldn't see them because of how pale his arms are. They didn't look self-inflicted, but that made it even more horrifying for Peter. What had happened to him?! He wasn't going to ask right now, but he vowed to himself to find out what they were.

Peter looked around the room, it looked a lot smaller inside than when he looked through the window. He just realized that Loki has been in here for almost 4 years with probably NOTHING to do! "I'll be right back!" Peter quickly said as he rushed out of the cell, Loki giving him a bewildered look as he ran out. Peter rushed up the stairs, down the hallways, and into his bedroom. He went over to his bookshelf and grabbed 7 books and a pillow. He rushed back through the halls, down the stairs and into the cell. Loki just stared at him, an eyebrow raised. Peter sat down next to Loki on the bed and put the pillow at the head of the bed and the books between them. "These," Peter said as he gestured to the pillow and the books, "are for you. I figured you get pretty bored being in here all the time, and sleeping must be awful."

Loki looked at him, shocked. He gingerly picked up the book on the top of the stack. "Thank you!" He said softly as he brushed his hand against the cover of the book. He gave Peter a small smile. Peter decided to let Loki read and was going to leave. But as he was at the door he stopped himself and turned around.

"I'll see you soon then?" Peter asked.

Loki said with the small smile still on his face," I shall look forward to it."

And with that Peter went back to his room and got the first good night of sleep he had had in a week.

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