Chapter 10: Demons

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The building was crushing him, breathing was getting harder and harder. The pressure was too much, he fell onto the ground, the concrete pressing against him. The he saw a faint light along with red and gold.

Tony looked him straight in the eye," I knew you were a failure, why would anyone ever like you. You can't even save yourself, how are you supposed to save other people."

Then slowly his face morphed into that of his uncle's.


Suddenly, he was shot from behind and fell off the pile of concrete.

The building kept crushing his ribs and he couldn't breathe. It was slowly suffocating him.

No no no no!!!

Peter burst awake and quickly sat up, panting. He tried to slow his breathing down a bit, to no avail.


He whipped his head around to see Loki peaking himself out from behind the couch.


Peter nodded mutely and gulped down the glass of water beside his bed. Loki stood up and made his way over to his friend. Peter gently put the glass down on the table as Loki sat next to him.

"Sorry I woke you up," Peter apologized.

"You didn't wake me, I was already up." When Peter gave him a questioning look he added," Couldn't sleep."

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Peter asked, trying to get his mind away from the nightmare.

Loki sighed a bit. "I was just thinking. A terrible pass-time really..."

"About what?"

"About...telling them."

"You mean telling the rest about you?"

Loki nodded distantly. He took a deep breath. "I just can't stop thinking about what they might do! What if they punish you? What if I'm sent back to the cell? Hel, they might even send me back to asgard and we'll never see each other again! I just keep thinking of all the ways it could go wrong...." he said as he put his head in his hands.

"I don't think that'll happen. I mean, sure, Mr.Stark will be surprised but he wouldn't be that cruel. Besides, if they do try something like that, then Nat and Bruce can back us up!"


"All I'm saying is that it will probably all turn out fine."

There was a pause and then Loki said ,"Tomorrow."


"Let's tell them tomorrow."

Peter sat shocked for a second. "Sure! Why the hell not!"

There was silence for many a moments before Peter said:

"So we're totally making your entrance super epic, right?"

"Oh, definitely."

(A/N: This is a short chapter because, as you might have guessed, the avengers fam find out about the budding friendship in the next chapter, aka, it's gonna be longer than normal.

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