Chapter 7: A New Home

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Peter woke up the next day to see Loki, Shuri, Bruce, and Ned playing Mario Kart on the TV while Nat and MJ talked off to the side. Peter sat up, catching the notice of Shuri, who paused the game. "Little spider-baby is finally up!" They all turned around to face Peter. Peter got off of the ground and strode over to the couch and sat down next to Loki, who was destroying everyone in the game. 

"How many times do I have to tell you NOT to call me that?" Peter asked. Shuri just shrugged as the game ended with Loki in first and the other three in 10th-12th.

"How are you this good at it? You only learned it was a thing 15 minutes ago!" Ned said. Bruce and Natasha got up from where they were sitting and said that they needed to go and check on something. Shuri needed to continue making a new prototype. Ned and MJ also had to leave as well. They all said their goodbyes, leaving Peter and Loki in the room. Loki sat down on the bed with his lips pressed together as he took a deep breath. Peter looked at him, concerned.

"Loki, what's up?" 

"Uhh... the ceiling?" Loki offered, confused. Peter mentally slapped himself. Of course Loki doesn't know what 'what's up' means. 

"I meant what's the matter?" Peter responded.

"Oh," Loki stated dumbly. "Nothing, just... the thought of going back to that... cell... doesn't sit right with me." He paused for a second before quickly saying," It's fine, I'll get over it." 

Peter sat down next to the god and hugged him. He had honestly forgotten about that. "You know..." Peter started. "It's okay if you're afraid. Everyone gets scared sometimes." Loki shook his head as he leaned into the hug, reciprocating it.

"It's just hard being there after..." the next words went unspoken because they both knew what he was referencing. "After everything that's happened, I hate not being in control. My fate being decided by others who would wish me dead at some points makes my skin crawl." 

Peter gently pushed Loki off him and grabbed his shoulders. "I'm not going to let anything like what happened after the Bifrost happen again. Alright?" Peter said firmly. Loki nodded as the door opened, with Nat and Bruce walking in. Loki and Peter took this as a sign that Loki had to go back now. He slipped away from Peter's grasp and started walking towards Nat and Bruce were. His steps were halted when Bruce asked, "Where do you think you're going?"

Loki and Peter looked confused. "Back to my cell..." Loki said questioningly. 

Nat smiled before saying," Nope!" Loki looked at her, eyebrow raised.

"Why am I-"

"Let us explain," Bruce said.


"No 'but's, get your ass back on the bed, Loki so we can explain," Nat said. Loki, taken aback, obeyed the woman. "Good. Now, after what happened last night, we would feel guilty about putting you back in a cell. You don't deserve that. Bruce and I have decided to allow you to stay here in Peter's room." Peter and Loki looked at each other, mouths wide and eyes ready to come out of their head. "Woah, Woah there. Before you get too excited, there are some rules. Not because we don't trust you Loki, but it's for your own safety right now." She paused before adding," And I also don't know a single teen who actually listens to rules they're given, but please listen to these ones." She nodded at Bruce.

"One: You can use this room, the bathroom, and the kitchen on the condition that no one else besides Peter, Shuri, Nat or me are in there. We don't want the others seeing you. Second: I am going to check over your past injuries sometime today so that we can make sure they healed properly. Also a physical because we need to know how your physiology works in case you get injured again. Three: If you need anything call Me or Nat. Cool?" Loki and Peter nodded vigorously. "We'll have to go shopping sometime to get some other clothes for you. Oh! I almost forgot." Bruce walked over and unlocked the magic cuff on Loki's wrist. Loki smiled at this. Bruce walked back over to the door and said, "Oh, and we have one last surprise for you. Follow us."

Loki and Peter got up and followed them to the living room, where there was a single person standing in the centre of the room. She had long golden-auburn hair that was in an intricate do. She was wearing a long blue and white dress with intricate designs on it. She had blue eyes that stared back at Loki as he walked into the room. He took a couple of slow steps towards her. 

"Mother..." he whispered as he took them. She nodded and his steps sped up into a run as he crashed into her and wrapped his arms around her. His body shook with sobs as they hugged each other. She quietly shushed him and whispered comforting words in his ear "I missed you so much," he quietly sobbed into her shoulder.

"I missed you too, my son," she said as a tear rolled down her face.

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