Chapter 20: Gods and Goddess

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Loki paced the living room nervously as they all waited for Asclepius to come. If Eris brought the others there was no telling how the avengers would react. He resolved to try and keep the situation under control once they-

"What the hell are those damn crows doing?" Tony asked. Loki turned towards the window and saw a flock of ravens pecking at the window.

"They're here" Loki replied.

Tony looked at him, confused. "How do you know that?"

At that exact moment a howl sounded outside of the compound. Loki turned back to Tony and gestured to the window. "That is how I know."

"Loki." Steve pointed to Loki's left. Standing in the doorframe was a middle-aged man with blond hair and bit of scruff sporting a blue tee shirt and jeans. His exposed arms made the avengers immediately remember that this was, in fact, a god standing before them.

A women with wavy dirty-blonde hair wearing a moto jacket and slightly heeled knee-high boots walked in behind the blond man.

The blond man introduced himself as Asclepius and the woman as Eris to the Avengers. Immediately after introductions, he got down to business.

"So, let me have a look at those scars. I can't guarantee anything, but Odin's spell on them should have worn off after his death."

Eris hit Asclepius' arm with the side of her hand. "You ever heard of bedside manners Clep?"

Asclepius sighed and pinched his nose. "Eris, for the last time it is Asclepius, and second, I am sure that Loki would rather get it all done with as quick as possible."

"Whetever you say, Clep."

Loki stepped in between the two greeks before they got in a fistfight. Asclepius looked over his arms and the scans that the avengers had previously done on his arms for comparison.

After about half an hour he looked up to Loki and said, "I should be able to fix these with no problems, except for this one..." he pointed to the chitauri brand on his shoulder. "Unless I had the spell that they used on the brand I wouldn't be able to take it off without causing more damage."

Loki nodded to Asclepius. "That is still a hundred times better than I would be without you."

Asclepius smiled at his patient. "We just have to wait for Queen Frigga to get back with the golden apples I need and then I can start fixing this."

Loki nodded again and thanked the medicine god for his help. Just as he finished doing so, Peter burst through the doors with a raven and a coyote with a spider on his back following behind him.

"I'M A DISNEY PRINCESS!" Peter exclaimed.

Loki chuckled and shook his head. "You three couldn't stay away, could you?"

The spider dismounted the coyote and transformed into a dark man with tribal tattoos across his chest that closely resembled Peter's suit. "Come on, this is a great story!"

The coyote next to him turned into an indigenous North American with yellow eyes and a dark grey tail swishing behind him from out underneath his garb. The raven landed on his shoulder. "I gotta agree with Anansi on that one. I'm very interested to hear where you have been in the past decade."

Eris rolled her eyes. "Can you two at least dress like you aren't from the four-hundreds?"

"But we are from the four-"


"Just because the greeks decided to go modern doesn't mean that every pantheon did...Besides, moccasins are comfy as hell!" The raven on Coyote's shoulder cawed in agreement.

Eris waved her hand and Anansi's and Coyote's scant clothing was replaced with more modern versions of their outfits, but with the same style as their culture. "Just because you don't go modern doesn't mean you two have to wear loincloths in the 21st century."

This started a full blown argument between the four gods, who were now debating on proper attire.

Loki dragged his hands down his face. This is why you don't put 5 trickster gods in the same room. It is bound to cause trouble.

Asclepius gave him an apologetic look and said to Loki telepathically, "If it makes you feel better, I did try to stop them from coming, but Eris insisted that they were all worried about you". Loki nodded and calmly walked up to them, put a hand up, and cast a silencing spell on the four of them.

"If you aren't here to help, go, if you are, then stay. But if you do stay I don't want any more arguing considering I already have to see a therapist for my issues and I'd rather not give her anything else to worry about."

With that, Loki took the spell off of them, walked to Peter's room, flopped down onto the bed, and groaned into the pillow.

Why is he always the mature one?

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