Chapter 13: Family Therapy (This should go well)

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"What's the point? He will not listen either way!"

"Oh, I'm the one who does not listen now."

It had been a week since the Chaos Trio (as Nat lovingly refers to Peter, Shuri, and Loki) revealed that Loki was living with Peter. After a long...long... discussion, it was decided that Loki would be allowed to room with Peter if he had some kind of monitor on him so that they could keep track of him, not just for safety reasons but also in case he was in trouble, they would know where he was. Though Loki was a bit opposed to the idea, after even more discussion, Loki agreed if he could cover it somehow so he wouldn't have to be reminded of it. 

Since then, Loki had avoided everyone like the plague. He wanted to be alone after he basically revealed his entire life story to everyone. Though one this particular day he had decided to read by the window while everyone was having breakfast. Thor had tried to apologize for his actions earlier in the week, and while Loki accepted it, things were still quite tense between the two. 

Loki looked up from his reading and out at the sky. Something was off. 

Suddenly, the Bifrost slammed into the front yard of the compound revealing Frigga, and with her, a one-eyed old fat man glaring into the window that Loki sat at.


Everyone looked at Loki... and then looked at what Loki was looking at.

"Father?" Thor asked, clearly confused.

"Ya mean the dude that made the scars, ya know, scars?!"  Sam asked.

Loki nodded silently.

"Well, shit."

Either Asgardians were really fast, or they knew how to teleport, because Odin was already in the building, in the room, glaring at all of them. Loki slowly stook up, looking ready for a fight if need be.

Frigga on the other hand pulled Loki into a hug.

"Did you think I was just going to ignored what happened?" she asked as she pulled away. Loki shook his head and smiled a bit. She turned to Thor to greet him as well.

Odin looked on in petulant silence. 

Once everyone had greeted each other, they all turned to Odin.

Loki tried to throw an illusion over himself so he could safely leave for Peter's room but found he couldn't. He tried again, and still nothing.

Odin must have sensed him trying to use his magic because he spoke for the first time. "He cannot hurt you."

Odin was dousing his powers. Loki turned an angry eye to his once-father. "Oh, so you're controlling me!? Typical. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone."

"Is that so? Then why were you trying to use it?" Odin raised an eyebrow that said I'm better than everyone in this room.

"Trying to summon cotton so I can stuff my ears with it."

Tony snorted at the bitter sarcasm.

"Odin." The god turned to his wife. "Release his magic." 

Odin made no move to do so.

"Now." Frigga's voice left no room for argument. Begrudgingly, he let his wards on Loki fall.

"Thank you. Now, I thought it would be a good idea for you two to talk in a civilized manner." She cast a pointed glance at Odin and gestured for the two to take a seat at the two lone chairs at the center of the room that Bruce swore weren't there a second ago. Loki went and sat down. Odin stood in front of his, making no move to sit. Frigga rolled her eyes a bit and shoved him down into the plush chair, making Loki smirk a bit.

"Him first, I'm the one who is owed an explanation."

Apparently, Odin woke up on the wrong side of the bed (probably the couch, Nat thought), because he didn't even blink.

"Why don't you try I-feel-statements," Clint said. Eyebrows raised. "What? I like Dr. Phil."

"Fine. I am sorry that you feel that I betrayed you and that you cannot see you gave me no choice."

Tony facepalmed.

Loki turned to the avengers. "You heard that, right?"

"I did what I had to do"

"No. Don't even try and play that card. You told me that I was born to be a king and when I wanted that statement fulfilled you threw me away and spoiled the golden son. And when I was tortured and manipulated into doing what was inevitably going to happen whether it be me or someone else, you locked me away."

"The manipulation did not change you, you had always been a monster, it only made you more of what you already were."

Peter stood up and was about to defend his friend but tony sat him down again, shaking his head. Peter knew it was stupid to try and go against a god, but it still irked him that Loki was called a monster just because of his birth.

"I was your son! And you cast me away!"

"Why should I put you first above any other person. You committed crimes, and you were supposed to pay for them." He cast an irritated look at the avengers.

Loki looked at his mother. "What's the point? He will not listen either way!"

"Oh, I'm the one who does not listen now?"

Loki let out a bitter chuckle and addressed Peter. "Do you have any idea what its like to argue with your 'father' when your 'father' is king?" He turned back to Odin. "Okay, fine. You 'did what you had to do'. But you SUCKED at being a role model, a teacher, but most importantly, a father."

"I could not have kept everyone safe with you free. If you truly want to be king, then tell me, King, what would you have done?"

A/N: Sound familiar. If you think you know where I got the basis of this argument from, I would love to hear it. XD

Part 2 on the way!

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