Chapter 17: Solutions

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Shortly after the Measles Mishap, Loki was called into the communal living room. He still had bags under his eyes and had taken to wearing a few long sleeved tunics that Pepper had gotten him by Tony's request. He still had a bit of bed-head that made him look like a disgruntled kitten.

He plopped down on the couch, eyebrow raised slightly when he noticed his friends weren't there.

Bruce was the first to speak up.

"It's been... noticed by most, if not all, of us that you've been having some... issues lately-"

"I don't have issues," Loki retorted defensively.

"Not in the way you're thinking. We've noticed some of the signs of some mental health problems and we want to make sure that you are alright. So, we decided it is a good idea for you to start some therapy."

Loki sat up straight. "I'm not mad!"

Bucky cut in at this point. "We aren't saying that. Trust me, we really aren't. I have to do the same thing as a condition of my parole. My first one sucked, so I switched to the one I have now and she's great. It's helped me get past a lot of shit. I think it might help you too."

Loki shot up, face twisted in anger. "What, so I don't get any say in this!? Typical!"

Steve stood up and placed a hand on the trickster's shoulder. "We wouldn't make you do this if we thought that it wouldn't help."

Loki shrugged the hand off and flipped the soldier off before retreating to him and Peter's room.

He sat brooding on his bed for hours. He hated being treated like a kid! He doesn't need therapy! He's not crazy. He's not mad. Right?

He didn't come out once, not even to eat, until Natasha practically dragged him out the next afternoon.

It was only them in the living. Loki sat at the kitchenette counter and Nat brought out a fresh cinnamon roll. Loki just stared at it for a few minutes, not making a move to eat. Nat sighed and sat on the counter next to Loki and the plate.

"You have to eat something."

Loki slammed his hand on the table and stood up. "NO! I don't have to do crap! You can't control every aspect of my life like you own me!"

"I'm not trying to control you. You just got out of the hospital for measles, what do you think will happen if you just stop eating while you are recovering?"

"Vomiting, cramps, nausea, headache, fatigue; I could go on," Loki offered.

"How about you have to go back because your measles didn't clear up or you got a worse sickness."

Loki paled. He contemplated arguing, but eventually he just sat down and slowly picked away at the sugary delicacy.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's okay. But can I ask you something?"


"Why do you do that?"

Loki looked perplexed. "Do what?"

"Push people away who are trying to help you, for one thing."

Loki glanced down at his lap and sighed. "I don't know."

Nat nodded. She gently started tracing soothing circles on Loki's back. When she spoke next, it was calming and almost... motherly.

"Listen. We don't want to send you to therapy because we think you are crazy or psychopathic or anything like that. I know it's been a rough past few weeks. Hell, past few years. We just want you to be able to come to terms with what happened in that time and hopefully be able to learn about yourself and how to help yourself. Do you get that?"

Loki nodded a bit. "Do I have to tell them everything?"

"It would help the more them know but it is up to you on what you disclose. You can also not talk if you want. Whatever is right for you, you can do that. We just wanted to give you another option for a safe space."

The was a moment of silence. Then Loki spoke up, "I'll give it try, but that's all I promised."

"That's all we are asking."

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