Chapter 18: Sessions

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TW: Mentions of Rape

"How are you feeling today, Mr. Friggason?"

"Mx. Friggason," Loki corrected.

"I'm terribly sorry about that, I should have asked that was insensitive of me. Do you always go by these pronouns?"

"No. I'm having an abnormal day today I usually use he/him."

The woman sitting across from them, Dr. Linda Hayworth, wrote down something in her notebook while nodding. She smiled, looked up at them, pushed back a piece of her auburn that had falling in front of her eyes, and tucked it into her messy bun. The doctor then stared at them like she was waiting for something.

They rolled their eyes. "Why are you asking about what I am feeling, isn't that your job?"

"My job is to listen and help you develop the skills necessary to reduce symptoms of mental distress and cope with life's various challenges."

"Well that is a rehearsed line if I've ever heard one. Tell me, did you honestly think that would work on me? I sincerely hope not."

She put her notebook to the side and stared at the deity with kind blue eyes. "I am not trying to manipulate you. You only have to tell me what you wish to."

They gave the therapist an incredulous look and then stared out the window.

They didn't talk for the remainder of the hour.


The next time Loki saw the therapist she asked what his pronouns that day were. He responded that he had gone back to he/him.

After a few minutes of realizing Loki wasn't going to talk to her, she brought out a chess board from her bag.

"Do you play?"

He nodded.

She set up the pieces and let him chose his color. Black. The two played until his time was up. They didn't speak once during the game.



Dr. Hayworth looked up from her move. " 'Why' what?"

"Why did you choose this profession?" Loki looked up at the woman curiously.

She pondered the question, debating on whether or not to answer. "Are you alright with me sharing my story? We haven't talked too much so I don't know any of your triggers-"

"It's alright." Loki genuinely wanted to know.

"My brother came home one day and cried into my arms. A girl at his school had a crush on him and he declined her advances because he's gay. He and his boyfriend were going out one night and she approached them in an alleyway outside of the city we lived. She knocked his boyfriend out cold and then raped my brother. He was 17. I wanted to find a way to be able to help him and the thousands of others like him."

Loki sat stunned for a few moments. He was not expecting her reason to be so... admirable.

"Thank you for telling me."



She looked up from their game of monopoly.

Loki fidgeted with his hands. "That's one of my 'triggers', as you called them. There are a few others but that's the main one."

She nodded. "If you feel comfortable telling me, what happens when you experience something related to this trigger?"

"Flashbacks. Depression. I feel like I can't breathe and everything just gets too much."

She contemplates that for a moment. "I'm sorry, that sounds very distressing."

"It is. I can't be in small spaces alone, they just remind me too much of that horrid cell and...somewhere else."

Dr. Hayworth debates on whether to ask her next question. "Is the other place where your injuries came from?"

He merely nodded curtly, and returned to the game.


"How was your home life as a child?"

Loki rolled his shoulders a bit, trying to get comfortable.

"Thor was the golden child, heir to the throne, perfect, loves puppies, etcetera. Odin was a ruler through and through, didn't, and still doesn't, give a single damn about me. He praised Thor for every single thing, while punishing me for no apparent reason."

"And your mother?"

"My mother... she was the only one who would stand up for me. As much as she could anyways. She taught me magic and took me to see the realms. She also taught me how to fight and hold my own. She's my biggest, and sometimes only, supporter. Even when I have done nothing worthy of her love."

"She seems like a wonderful person. Do you get to see her anymore?"

"Now and then. She is the only thing I miss about not being in Asgard."

"What about your friends?"

"I didn't have any in Asgard."

"And here on earth?"

"Peter, Shuri, MJ, and Ned. Mostly Peter and Shuri though. Especially Peter. I have him to thank for getting out of my previous situation."

"How did you two become friends?"



Loki got in the elevator to go upstairs. He pressed the communal floor and waited. The elevator dinged and he stepped onto the solid ground. He waltzed into the kitchen and took a bite of an apple he found in the fruit basin.

He froze.

He just went into an elevator. Alone. And didn't have a panic attack or any flashbacks.

Maybe... just maybe... this 'therapy' could be a good thing.

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