Chapter 6:"Yes,we are the sons...The Sons of Liberty!"

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Once everyone was seated around him Loki began. "I am sure Thor has told you a brief overview of my fall from the bifrost already. Well, after I fell...." he paused trying to find the right words. "Let's just say that the people who found me afterwards weren't the most pleasant company. They tortured me and took control of my mind. They sent me to attack New York and once the green beast smashed me into the ground, I was in control of my actions once more. When Thor brought me back to asgard for a trial, I told Odin all of this and yet he ignored my pleas. He said I should have been stronger, should have held out longer." Loki took a deep breath before continuing. "Then he cast a spell on me so that my wounds would never fully heal.....leaving the scars in their place, so that I must bear their shame for all eternity.... then I was sent back here again...." Loki ended with his gaze falling to his marred arms, tears threatening to fall.

"Oh ,Loki...." Peter said as he hugged his friend. Loki hugged back and soon nat and Bruce came over. Nat placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry for calling you a monster. If only we just listened to you after the battle maybe this could have been avoided." Nat told him. Loki shook his head. 

"It's alright, I don't blame you."

There was a moment of silence before Bruce said. "We have to tell them." 

"No." Peter, Loki, and Nat said simultaneously.

"They are going to find out eventually, why not just rip off the bandaid now?"

"They will know just..." Loki sighed. "Just not right now... please?"

Bruce looked at them and nodded. Bruce and Nat decided they wanted to join the 'party' and who could blame them. They decided against any more emotionally taxing games and decided to watch something. The biggest question was what?

"Now you see me." Nat said.

"Star wars." Ned said.

"Harry Potter." Peter said.

"Hidden Figures." Shuri said.

"Charlie's Angels." MJ said.

"Sons of Liberty on the history channel!" Bruce said excitedly. The others groaned.

Nat had an idea. "Why don't we let Loki pick from our choices?" The others sounded an agreement and looked expectantly at Loki. Loki didn't have a clue in the nine realms of what they were talking about. So, he picked the only one that had a semblance of familiarity to it.

"Sons of Liberty. It's about the american revolution is it not?" Bruce nodded while the others sighed. Though they all, admittedly, did get quite invested into the storyline. They first episode ended on a sad note as a 11- year old boy was killed, shocking Peter, Mj, and Ned. 

"So how do you like it so far?" Bruce asked Loki as he popped in the second episode. 

"Very much. I greatly enjoy Samuel's character."

"I thought you would."

"The actor does a great job portraying him. Though I will admit that Sam got into a lot more trouble than they give him credit for. I also knew Christopher. He was a great young man. It's a shame he was killed so young."

"Wait.... you knew Samuel Adams?! And the kid who died?!" Nat said incredulously.

"I did not know Sam personally, no. I did know the boy though. Very spirited, always standing up for his beliefs."

"These are the moments when I'm reminded I'm in close proximity to a god."  MJ said. Shuri nodded her head in agreement.

After watching the other two episodes it was past midnight. They all started to get prepared to go to bed. Peter went over to Loki, who was making himself a makeshift bed on the floor with a couple of blankets and pillows. "When was the last time you had a real bed?"

"5 years ago." Loki responded without hesitation.

"5 YEARS?!" Peter whisper-screamed. Loki nodded. "Dude, take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, I couldn't. I'll be fine."

"I insist."

"I told you I'm fi--" 

Peter cut him off. "If you don't get your god-butt in that bed over there right now, I will personally carry you over there by myself."

Loki opened his mouth to say something, but then promptly shut it and walked over to the bed. He plopped down on the soft mattress and pulled up the covers. He turned to smile at Peter, who, in turn, smiled back and shut the lights off. They all eventually went to sleep, with Loki getting the best night sleep he's had since before Thor's coronation.

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