Chapter 5: And then there were Three...

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She went back to the living room and everyone was watching the tv except for Clint, who was standing at the bar getting a drink. He looked at her and his expression turned quizzical. "Nat, what's wrong?" he whispered so the others wouldn't hear.

Clint knew her like an open book. If she was upset, he could tell. "It's nothing, trust me."

Clint contemplated asking again, but instead quietly accepted defeat and went over to the couch to continue watching the movie. She went over to the door that led to Tony and Bruce's lab. She knew she could find the footage she needed in there. Bruce noticed and went up to her. "Where are you going?"

"I was grabbing something I left in there last time." Nat lied.

Bruce nodded and she went inside the labs. Bruce had noticed that she had disappeared for a good 15 minutes a couple of minutes ago and went off in the direction of where she was headed. He went down the hallway with a lot of their bedrooms and heard some noise coming from Peter's room. "Nat said that he was having a sleepover and she probably went to check on them." He actually needed Peter's opinion on some of the new web shooters they were developing. He opened the door and what he saw almost made him go green.

There on the bed, sitting in a circle playing truth or dare were Peter and his friends from Midtown Tech, Shuri, and Loki. The group turned to him with surprised and nervous looks on their faces. Peter got up and said calmly, "Uncle Bruce, please do not shout or get angry. If it makes you feel better Aunt Nat already knows about it."

"She knows about this and didn't tell me?" Bruce said incredulously.

"We made her promise she wouldn't tell anyone." Loki said.

He looked quickly at Loki before shifting his gaze back to Peter. "How long has this been going on?"

"Only about a week."

"And WHAT, might I ask, made you think it was a good idea to let Loki out?" Bruce said, a vein in his forehead briefly flashed green.

"Ummm..." Peter started but at that moment, Natasha chose to appear in the doorway. She quietly closed to door, to not alert anyone else.

"Because he felt bad for the guy, and I don't blame him." Nat said.

"WHY?" Bruce asked, frustratedly.

"Look at his arms..." Nat said.

"Why would I...."

"Just look at them Bruce. Please."

Bruce looked over to Loki who's eyes were now downcast and studied his arms. Instantly, he felt sick. All of his fear and anger was swept away as he stared at the scars.

"Oh my god... Loki... what happened?" Bruce asked, now extremely concerned for the young god.

Loki took a deep, shuddering breath and quietly said, "You might want to sit down."

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