Chapter 28: Healing

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The first thing Peter noticed was a headache. His limbs felt heavy and when he moved his head, the pounding returned. He noticed a quick sharp pain in his arm and winced.

"Shhh. I'm just giving you some pain relievers hon."

A few seconds later the headache relieved itself and he slowly opened his eyes. He recognized the healing rooms from when they brought Frigga there. He looked over to the side to see the face of a kind young healer smiling on him.

"There you go! Better?"

Peter nodded. He looked around him and when he turned his head to the right, he saw Frigga smiling next to him.

"You're alright! Wait, how long has it been?"

"A little over a day. My body has healed itself enough to at least be able to get out of bed." She placed her hand on his arm. "Thank you for protecting Asgard and her people when I was unable."

"It was really Loki, he was the one who help me out of whatever Eris had put me in.... wait is Loki okay?!"

"Yes, he is just asleep, he should be waking soon as well."

Peter could see in her eyes that, while Loki was alright, there was something she was not telling him. "Frigga? What happened to Loki?"

"In the battle, Eris used dark magic against him. It caught the lower portion of his leg and unfortunately it latched onto his own magic, making it unable to be separated from him by normal means. It would have killed him had we not removed it, but unfortunately to get rid of it we had to amputate below the knee." Tears glistened in her eyes, but she knew it was the right thing to do.

Peter placed his own hand on hers. "It's okay. Besides, Mr. Stark is really good at making prostheses. I'm sure he'd be cool with making Loki a new leg."

Frigga nodded at him, smiling.


When Loki had woken up, they had to explain to him about why he couldn't feel his lower leg. He reluctantly accepted it (not like he really had any choice).

Peter and Frigga had come in to comfort him and help him get adjusted to only having one leg. Peter said that Stark would make him a prosthetic but he had to heal first.

After Eris had been knocked out, the spell on Thor had been broken, and since it was mostly Eris' fault, he was released once the guards were informed of what had happened.

He refused to leave his brother's side while he was healing, and profusely apologized to him for the past few years (to the point where Loki had threatened to have the healers gag him so he would stop talking).

Eris had been sent back to olympus to pay for her crimes and she was sent to spend the next 10,000 years in tartarus.

After a couple of weeks, Loki, Peter, and Thor were given the 'all-clear' by the healers to go back to earth. Loki loathed using the crutches he had been given, but he knew it was better than having Thor or Peter carry him to the bifrost. Frigga still had to be ruler of Asgard after Odin's death, so she said farewell to her sons and Peter before they were whisked back to New York

When they arrived, the team was shocked to see Loki's newly amputated leg and started blurting out a million questions at him.

Loki quietly put up an illusion so that he and Peter could escape to their room where their friends were waiting anxiously.

Shuri immediately volunteered to work with him on a cool design for his new leg, which MJ drew for them. Meanwhile, Ned asked Peter tons of questions and pleaded with him to tell his "Cool Magic Superhero Story".

After a while they all got tired and had a sleepover, much like the one they had when Loki had first gotten out of his cell.


The next few months were a bit rough, but things got better.

Loki returned to his therapy sessions with Dr. Hayworth. She was able to give him a formal diagnosis of C-PTSD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and he started getting better. They still see each other, thought now it is only once every other week as opposed to multiple sessions per week. The flashbacks and the triggers didn't go away, but he was able to manage them better now.

Loki got his new leg and he trained with Bucky to get used to it. It was definitely a weird feeling at first, but after a while he almost forgot it was any different than his old one (except the phantom pain, that SUCKED).

Loki officially joined the Avengers alongside Peter and together they helped bring down every villain that got in their way.

MJ and Ned finished their junior year and decided to test out of senior year to spend more time with their friends. They worked with Shuri on creating new suits and weapons and just general stuff for the Avengers.

It was a perfect team... almost. They still argued over dumb teen stuff now and again.



Loki shot up with a start, breathing heavily. He climbed out of his bed and walked out of his new room, down the hallway towards Peter's room.

He quietly opened to door and creeped inside the room over to Peter's bed. He shook Peter a bit. Peter groggily opened his eyes and saw Loki.

"Nightmare?" he whispered. Loki nodded. Peter shifted to one side of the bed so Loki could lay next to him.

"Thank you," Loki whispered.

Peter smiled. "What are friends for?"

And they both drifted off to sleep.

The End

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you all enjoyed it!

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