Chapter 24: Loki's Tale

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Loki went out to the kitchens to go get the two of them some snacks, so Peter was left alone with the large bookshelf of Loki's adventures. Peter scanned the books, but realized he couldn't read any of the titles, so he chose one at random and hoped he would be able to read it. As he opened the book, the runes etched on the pages began to rearrange themselves into English. "This is so freaking cool," Peter commented to no one but himself.

May 20, 1869
As I traversed the paths known only to a few, I ended up on Alfheim. I had come just in time for the Blooming Festival, the day when all of the Fire-Lilies bloom on the river Byrjun. As I walked around the festival I came across an old friend. She was near the stage, causing a bit of chaos by making some of the actors forget their lines. I pulled her away before she could make anyone actually angry.

We greeted each other and spent the night walking through the forest. I told her of my desire to be a king one day and she encouraged me. I am glad to have a friend like her. She said the others were traveling to Japan to see if one of the Kitsunes could help with a prank. I don't think they'll join; they are bit gaudy.

Eris mentioned something about getting a bunch of Idunn's apples for a spell she had in mind, but I told her it was too dangerous.

May 26, 1869
Eris disappeared after the first Night of the festival, I haven't a clue where she went. Nevertheless, the festival was amazing with-

Peter stopped reading for a moment and also wondered where Eris might have gone. From what he knew of her from their interactions on Earth, she didn't seem to be a person who likes to rush things or leave something early, especially if it was fun, which this festival sounded to be. He kept reading to see what was going on when he read something that made him stop.

Eris asked about my holiday and I told her about the festival. She said she wished she could of been there, but she had no idea it was even happening. I'll have to make sure to tell her about the next one.

"But Eris was at the festival, so why would she say that? And why wouldn't Loki question it?"

Loki chose that exact moment to appear in the study, holding a tray of what looked like rolled pita bread. "It's lefse. I had them make some with cinnamon sugar and butter in them, my personal favorite," he said as he placed the tray on the coffee table. "Which one are you reading?"

Peter hesitated for a second before saying, "The Alfheim Bloom Festival one."

Loki furrowed his brow a bit and nodded slowly. "And why did you hesitate?"

Peter took a deep breath before asking, "Do you remember anyone you know being at that festival?"

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Not that I recall... Peter what is this about?"

"Well... I'm just confused because you said Eris was there and then you said she didn't even know it was happening and then you just said you don't remember her being there so I'm trying to figure out how that's possible."

Loki walked over to his friend and lifted the journal off of the table. He flipped back to the beginning and read it. His frown deepened as he read it over.

"I don't recall that happening, how could I not recall that." He put the book down and went over to a different shelf. He pulled down a few books to reveal a hidden latch. Loki pulled on the latch and the bookshelf swung open to reveal a small stone room with unlit sconces and a smaller bookshelf off to the side. There was a small table next to the bookshelf with an old tome on it. On the ground were strange symbols Peter had never seen before and several circles drawn in with chalk.

"You have a hidden room?! What is this place?"

"A Sorcerer's Den. Sometimes spells don't always go as you want them to and so you do it in a protected room. This way they also can't be traced." Loki went over to the old tome and flipped through a few pages before he found what he was looking for. He came back into the main library and shut the hideaway door. He moved the table and chaise to the side of the room with a flick of his hands.

He then did a bit of a hand flourish and said "Memoria Reminiscere".

In that moment, the world around them shifted into a gorgeous forest with a dirt path running over a river, forming a bridge. Distant sounds of festivities could be heard as well as the water rushing under them. Peter recognized the image from the journal he had read. Then, he noticed two figures coming along the path. After gazing at the pair for a moment, Peter realized they were younger versions of Loki and Eris.

Peter walked over to his friend, hoping that the older Loki would be able to explain this.

"Eris, you know that all who touch the apples are cursed to never put them down. Besides, they are guarded heavily, we would never even make it into the garden," the younger Loki lamented

"Oh, but it would be so fun!" The younger Eris clutched her friend's arm in her own with a giddy smile on her face.

"Indeed it would," younger Loki laughed. "Then I could show everyone that I am the one who makes the smart decisions out of the two of us." The two friends laughed and continued on their hike.

The memory faded away and the Present-Day Loki clutched his head and grimaced. He nearly fell to the floor before Peter caught him. He was breathing heavily and his nose started to bleed a bit.

"Loki! Are you okay?!"

Loki's breathing slowed down after a minute and he wiped his nose on his sleeve. "I'm alright. The spell does that if a memory changes what you already think you know."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Loki took a deep breath. "The spell never lies. It means someone has been messing with my memories."

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