Chapter 21: Apologies

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Eris knocked on the door of the room she saw Loki go into. She heard a muffled groan, but no movement from the other side. "Come on Loki... you know I'll just bust the door down if you don't respond anyway."

There was a pause before the handle of the door clicked. She walked in to see Loki faceplanted on the bed. She pressed her lips together before closing the door behind her and walking over to where he lay. She sat down on the edge of the bed and when Loki didn't respond, she sighed. She placed her hand on his back and rubbed it gently. "I'm sorry for bringing them. I just thought you might have wanted to see your friends."

He turned his face to look at her and sighed. "I am grateful to be able to see you all and I do want you all to stay, you're my friends... I just would rather not have to worry about babysitting all of you. I don't think it's the best thing for my health if all of you keep fighting about every little thing all the time."

Eris nodded. "I'm sorry for pushing the clothing thing. You know I'm fine with it, however, I thought the mortals might have felt bad about themselves. We are gods, you know."

Loki chuckled. "Yes, we wouldn't want to have Stark think anyone might be better than him physically. He has quite the napoleon complex."

Eris and Loki laughed.

"We cool?"

"Yes, we are 'cool'," Loki responded, using air quotations as he did so.

They chuckled and hugged.

"Sooooo..." Eris started.

"'Sooooo' what?"

Eris got a grin on her face. "Is mischief and chaos on or off the table?"

He smirked. "As long as we have a truce between us two, I see no problem with causing a little bit of chaos."

"So we're still gonna prank Nansi, Coyote, and Raven?"

"Hell yes!"

Eris cackled a bit.

"Oh, by the way, do you know what vines are?"


The Avengers plus four gods were sitting in the living room, waiting to see if Eris got through to Loki.

Coyote and Anansi fidgeted with their clothes while they waited. They tried to change out of the clothes Eris had put them in, only to realize she had put a spell on them.

They waited... and waited... and waited... until Coyote got impatient, stood up, and attempted to find where the two chaos-bringers were. He only realized too late that there was something blocking the exit.

He stumbled into a wall of cling-wrap and fell through it. His tearing of the wall of plastic set off a trigger that started to blast Peanut Butter Jelly Time. Before everyone in the room knew what was going on, Peanut Butter rained down from the ceiling and covered the Avengers and the gods, plus the rest of the room. After a brief pause, a similar wave fell on all of them, this time made of jelly. Finally, a rain of breadcrumbs lightly coated everything in the vicinity.

The company stood where they were in shock. Suddenly, Loki and Eris appeared in front of everyone, giving each other high-fives. The other tricksters in the room groaned. Raven waddled over to them and pecked at their feet because his wings were stuck together from the peanut butter.

Coyote started licking his hands. "So I guess that means we're good?"

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