Chapter 3:Sleepover pt. 1- Introductions and Vines

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The next day Peter brought Shuri and Natasha aside.

"I want to do a sleepover in my room without anyone bothering us."

Natasha looked confused, "Why did you bring me over here then?"

Peter took a deep breath, "Cause I want Loki to be there too."

Nat immediately said, "No, No , absolutely not."

"Come on! Isn't there like precautions we could take to make you feel more comfortable with this?"

Natasha thought for a moment and told them to give her a minute and left. She returned with a black bracelet in her hand. "If he puts this on I'll allow it."

Shuri asked, "What is that? It's one of Stark's isn't it?"

"It limits magic. He'll still be able to do simple illusions and stuff like that, but nothing that can harm anyone."

Peter asked, "Why doesn't he always have to wear these?"

"The cell already has this technology."
So the three made a plan to have the sleepover


Sp1derMAN- Hey guys! Having sleepover 2night @ the compound. Wanna come?

GuyInTheChair-OMG YES! Is Tony Stark going to be there!?!

Sp1derMAN- No, he can nvr know bout this!

EmoGurl- Sure! Sounds fun. Anyone going to be in a crisis?


EmoGurl- I'll take that chance!

Sp1derMAN- K see u 2night!


Peter went down to Loki's cell and opened the door. "Guess what? Aunt Nat said you can come to the sleepover! You just have to wear a magic-limiter."

Loki looked shocked, to say the least. He nodded, too surprised to speak. Peter put the limiter on his wrist and they left the cell. They made their way up the stairs and through the halls silently, to not attract attention. Nat was waiting for them outside Peter's door.

"I'm going to try to get the boys to play a game or watch a movie or something so that they don't bother you. Pepper and Wanda are at Time Square right now shopping, so we don't have to worry about them."

"Thanks Aunt Nat!" Peter said. Then, surprisingly, Loki spoke.

"Thank you Ms. Romanov for doing this. And I am truly sorry about what happened on the carrier."

Natasha looked like she had just been told bigfoot was real. She is usually really good at hiding her emotions so Peter was very shocked. There was a pause, then a small smile. "Thank you, not just for the apology but for making Peter happy. And please, call me Nat. I hate when people speak so formal about me."

"Nat it is then." Loki responded. Natasha turned around to go and distract "the boys".Peter opened the door to his room and everyone was already there. MJ was sketching in her drawing book, Ned was building a Lego BB8, and Shuri was watching vines on the tv. When the door opened, everyone looked up. Peter walked in and then Loki did. Shuri looked on happily, MJ started to sketch furiously, and Ned's jaw hit the floor.

"Th-th-that's Loki! Loki is standing behind you..." Loki looked concerned but Ned then exclaimed quickly, "Dude! How do you know him! Oh my god can you show us magic! Can you---" Peter put a hand over his mouth to stop his rambling. Loki smiled and waved his hand a little bit and everyone besides Peter snickered. Shuri just plain out laughed.

"What are you guys laughing a---" he trailed off. He saw in the mirror that he was wearing a horned helmet and a green and black leather outfit. He looked exactly like Loki when he invaded New York. He looked at him and gave Loki a playful punch in the arm.

"Ok get rid of the outfit, but I'm keeping the helmet!" Peter said. Loki chuckled and in another flash of green light the outfit was gone and Peter was holding a horned helmet.

Shuri then said,"I have the power of Loki and Anime on my side!" Then her and Peter just screamed like they were going into a fight,"Aaaaahhhh!!!" Everyone except for Loki cracked up laughing. When Peter didn't see Loki laughing he sighed a little and said,"Right, you have quite literally been living under a rock for the past four years." Peter and Shuri shared a look. Peter motioned for Loki to come over to the couch. When he was there Shuri said...

"So let me tell you about a wonderful thing called vines..."

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