2: Pumpkin Pie

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Washing the dishes in the sink you thought back to that moment when you were just a girl moving into a neighborhood, no complications, nothing like that. A little curiosity about who Kendra was nowadays but that's all.

Now you were quite informed on who he was on screen AND off screen.

About a month into moving in you decided to get into streaming. You needed a way to pay off your mortgage and gaming was something you were good at, plus it brought in big bucks. Immediately after you got into the streaming community you blew up. Being one of the most popular gamers in Japan you held the no. 4 spot on the streamers ranking. Kenma Kozume, your next door neighbor, was no. 1. He flaunted it too, made sure every chance he got that he could rub it in your face he was ranked 3 places above you. Besides that, he was  an asshole.

-earlier that morning-

You climbed out of bed sliding some Unicorn slippers on and immediately picking up your phone. A notification alerting you that your new headset came in the mail was the first thing in the notification center. Taxes? Ew. Oh, and a letter from an old friend. Deleted. Without another thought you grabbed on of your robes, somehow managing to forget your messy appearance first thing in the morning and went downstairs. Opening the door you leaned over, taking the box containing your new headset and putting it inside before walking down the path to your mailbox. Struggling to open it you sighed and kicked the stand in frustration.

"Need help with that?"

You looked up to see Kenma standing in front of you with his phone raised. A cocky smirk was plastered on his face while he snapped a picture of you. Needless to say, you're not a morning person.

"Delete that."
"Because I'm asking you to?"
"That's an awful lot of work for nothing in exchange. What do you have to offer?" 

You huffed and rolled your eyes giving him a wave of dismissal. "Fine keep it, what do I care?" You grumbled about to walk back inside.

"Are you sure you wouldn't care if your fans saw this?"

You whipped back around and stomped over to him.
"You piss me off you know."
"I know."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at him.
"What do you want?"
"yea. I want YOU, to make me homemade pumpkin pie." You stared at him dumbfounded. Was this dumbass really asking you for this? Wasnt he rich? Just hire somebody fucking else to do it.
"Screw you." You grumbled, grabbing the mail he retrieved from your mailbox for you and stomping back inside the house.

-back to present-

The pie was in the oven and the dishes were washed so you plopped down on the couch scrolling through insta. "Dumbboystreams is following you" popped up on your screen and you reflexively clicked on it. Damn, 36 million followers. He only followed 7 people? Normally you would mind your business but temptation was a bit much this time. Oh, it was only some friends. Kuroo? You havent talked to that guy in awhile. Hinata...and some other people you didn't know. You went back to his page and started scrolling. He was kinda cute. You caught yourself admiring the tier 1 asshole and quickly scolded yourself for it. What were you thinking? That guy was cute but he was a complete jerk underneath his attractive face.


The pie was ready now, the warm smell of pumpkin wafted through your kitchen. Groaning, you stood up off the couch and did a miniature stretch before going to the kitchen and grabbing some oven mitts to take out the pie. And holy shit did it smelled good.

Too bad you would have to give it to that d—khead.

You were now standing in front of the door hesitating whether or not to give him the pie or run away and keep it to yourself when he opened the door. He looked you up and down before spotting the pie in your hand and taking a sniff of the air. "Ooooo. Smells great thank you." He said trying to take the boxed pie out of your hands.

Your stubborn ass didn't want to let go though.

It soon became a mini game of tug-a-war between the two of you. "Y/n. Let go." He muttered. With a huge huff you let go of the pie and he stumbled back a little. "What did you want a slice or something?" You thought about it before shaking your head. If you said yes he would probably make fun of you and wouldn't give you any anyway so you went with the other option.

"Delete the picture."
"What picture?"
"You know what picture dont act stupid." He pretended to think for a moment before he spoke again.
"Oh THAT picture." He then leaned closer to your face and gave you a smile you would've fell for if not for his attitude.

"Afraid I can't do that."

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now